Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Arctic Circle will have to wait!

Leah just reminded me that I am turning 54 and not 55!!

When I was turning 29 I thougtht of the big 3 0 just around the corner and decided that if I could accept it a year ahead of time it wouldn't be so tramatic!

It worked! I rejoiced at 30.

I guess I automatically did the same thing this year with 55 just around the corner! It's a good thing I have Dan and Leah to help remind me of where I am in this journey of life. :)

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Golly, what do you know! I actually figured it out!! Will miracles ever cease?? NO!!!


Tiffany just brought to my attention a minor correction:

I am NOW (not not) part of three seperate speaking teams!!
:0 Thanks Tiff

p.s I would have corrected the post but I couldn't figure out how... yet another frontier for me to forge in my young age!!

Almost 55 and going strong!!

Margaret Millon- A Speaking Partner

Nov. 15th 2009

Almost 55 and going strong!!

Yesterday I stopped to get a taco at Arctic Circle. There sat a sign about getting 15% when a person is 55+ years. “Yipee!” I thought “only a few more days to go and I get 15% off!!

It is easy to rejoice at my new life-mark when I am feeling healthy, wealthy and… well not always to wise but I try to be.

I am reflecting on where I’ve been and where I am headed and I feel so thankful. So many of my wishes have “come true.” I had hoped to be a wife, mother, writer, speaker and singer… and here I am with:

* Strength and mostly pain free
* We just paid off our 2nd mortgage (Glory hallelujah!!!!) One more to go…
* A wonderful, handsome, supportive, romantic husband (yes ladies, he can be romantic!),
* 6 (Josie included) loving children, 12 grandchildren and one on the way
* Two books written and a number of articles
* I am now part of 3 seperate teams of speakers. They all have amazing, supportive, inspirational, motivated members
* I now have 18 guitar students that I love and learn from each week and I am able to sing at various places (including my ward choir)…

In addition to all of this I have a testimony of my brother Jesus Christ. I have the wealthy and wisdom of friends and family. What more could I ask for?

55 years?? Bring it on!!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Just checking in...

Hey gals!

So I know everyone is pretty busy, especially considering the holidays coming up. However, I would encourage y'all to post at least one last time before the end of the year. We can go back to our original goals and either feel pretty crappy we didn't accomplish much, or feel great about what we did! Ha, ha... I think I fall into the prior category but I'll see if I can put some kind of positive spin on it. :)

Well, I feel overwhelmed with how disorganized my life and home are right now. I know that sounds silly since I have no children to take care of and have flexibility with my job. It's just my house is pretty freakin messy and I'm not sure where to begin. Even if I begin, there's the small issue with my hubby (bless his heart) acting like Hansel and Gretel and leaving a trail wherever he goes. Then there's the thing with not knowing where we'll be in 6 months when he graduates. Also, we're trying to short sale our home. Those are the major stresses in my life. I'm sitting here trying to find a place to begin. I suppose the thing I have most control over is my home but where to start...? Well, I'll hop off my soap box. Here are my goals through the end of November.

1. Spirituality: Pray nightly on knees.
2. Home Cleanliness/ Organization: Focus this week on laundry, kitchen counters, and bedroom organization.
3. Prospect Improvement: By November 30th, send out letters to all former Centex buyers.

Going back to my first goal, I was thinking of a song I listened to recently. Check it out if you get a chance. It's by Lee Brice and called Love Like Crazy. http://musicremedy.com/audio/index.cfm?fuseaction=showaudioplayer&audioId=37693&quality=6.

I love you all!


Post- Baby!

Kezia is finally here! Hooray!
For the most part, it has been great. I still think I'm getting more sleep now than I did in the last couple months of my pregnancy. It has been hard with the girls lately, though. See my 4am post for details.
So - this week, I have a few, simple goals that hopefully will keep my girls (and therefore myself) more sane and happy:

1. I'm going to try to wake up by 8am every day. It's going to be hard considering she's still waking up 3 times a night, but I will take comfort that I am planning on getting a nap in the afternoon. We need to get back into that routine.
2. I want to try and have scripture study, character quality, and prayers every morning and eat breakfast as a family.
3. I want to get my morning things done at least 4 days this week. This includes emptying the dishwasher, doing 1 full load of laundry (washing, folding, putting away), kitchen & living room straightened, and helping McKinley & Ireland get their morning things done (bowl in dw, clean room, dressed, teeth & hair brushed, dogs fed & learning time).
4. I want to have personal study at least 4 times this week.
5. more fruits & veggies.
6. Get out for at least a 5 minute walk with the girls.
7. Get to bed by 10pm.