Monday, December 28, 2009

Final 2009 Post

Well, I just wanted to do a wrap-up for 2009. See how far I've come & how far I need to go. I am working on my goals for next year. It will be a new blog with a new title. Let me know if you are still interested in participating!
Incidentally, if anyone has a catchy title for next year... ("Start again in 2010" or "Write with a pen in 2010"), let me know! :)

Here's how I feel about my goals for this year:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
Still have a long way to go on this. A long way. But I do think I inched closer to this goal.
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
Not anywhere where I was hoping I'd be. Especially when I don't get much sleep. This will definitely be something I will be revisiting next year.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
I've regressed on this in the past couple months.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or violence.
I think overall, I have progressed pretty well in this category. I'm much more careful about what I watch, read, or listen to. I'm definitely finding more fulfillment in media that lifts me closer to my Savior.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
ACCOMPLISHED! Between our sisters temple trips and Jason & I's temple dates, this goal was ACCOMPLISHED! I truly appreciate the temple being so close.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
Haven't been perfect, but I've been better. I hope to do even better next year.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", and 1 "girls only" getaway!
(mostly) ACCOMPLISHED: Anniversary vacation to Alaskan Inn, 3 family vacations (St. George & camping), didn't get to the "lovers get-away", but we got our girls get-away!
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
Didn't happen with pregnancy & breastfeeding, but hope to next year when I'm done breastfeeding.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
Started good. Ended not-so-good.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
ACCOMPLISHED. I feel pretty good about this goal. Not perfect, but we worked to get everything more up-to-date.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
Definitely need to work on this.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
Better - not good.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10:30pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
Really crappy for the past couple months. Definitely need to start over in 2010.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
Not so good.
2. Meal plan for each week.
Better overall for the year. Bad the past couple months.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
Probably only 3 times.
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
Better this year overall - definitely better at keeping dishes out of the sink & keeping up on laundry. Now I need to work more on clutter & deep cleaning.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
Started, but not finished.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
We did better overall this year, but the past 3 or 4 months have not been good. We need to pick back up on this when Kezia is 3 months.

1. FHE once a week
Better this year. Not perfect.
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
Real improvement this year. Not perfect, but WAY BETTER.
3. Stay out of debt
ACCOMPLISHED - thankfully...
4. Move to a small town
Not yet.
5. Be on time to church every week.
We have been SO MUCH better with this goal this year!

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