Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Tiff's Goals for 2009

Hey y'all,

So Heidi is my hero if you didn't know. I'm always amazed at her desire to improve herself and the way she goes about it. Thanks for setting up this shindig!

Anyways, I'm super excited about this blog. But I need all of your help to keep me accountable and active on the blog. As you all know, I'm not the best at updating my blog or sending out slide shows like the rest of y'all. But hey, that's what goals are for eh...

I'm sure my goals will evolve throughout the year but here I go. I'm not quite as ambitious as Heidi but who's comparing... :-( Just kidding.

"I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don't set goals in our life and learn how to master the techniques of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principles of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life." - Elder M. Russell Ballard

Pray daily
Hour of Power daily: 20 minutes each devoted to exercise, reading inspiring material, and meditation/ visualization
Limit myself to ONE bowl of cereal each morning (even if they’re Lucky Charms)
Exercise 3x week
Reading the news 2x week
Review goals/ plan weekly (preferably on Sunday)
DO NOT sleep more than 9 hours
Track spending!

Write in journal once a week
Outline for ASU online courses by 2.28.09
Keep home clean and ready for visitors
Do not fall behind on Pathways calls at work
Plan 3 meals weekly
Limit sugar intake to less than 45 grams per day
Be loyal to those who are not present

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Here Goes...

Hello to all my fellow New Year Resolution Keepers! Please post your new years resolutions and try to update it each week so we can track our progress.

I created this blog because I want to make this year count. I was SO good at my new year resolutions back before kids. I would review them once a week at the office and mark my progress. The past 3 or 4 years I have had good intentions - and I tried hard - but after a few months, my goals were all but forgotten. I guess it doesn't help that my goals were always 3-4 pages long (typed).
So, here's my plan this year: I am going to blog about my resolutions and hopefully that will make me more accountable. I'm layin' it out there for everyone (that I invited) to see and I'm hoping that will help. My goal is to update it a minimum of once a week with my progress.
I am, by nature, a goal-maker. I'm pretty sure that comes from my mom. I also get overwhelmed sometimes at the work-in-progress that is ME. I get amazed at how MUCH I have to do to get to where I really want to be - to be able to look in the mirror and see the woman that I know is in there and that my Savior sees in me. With that said, the list of things I need to work on is truly endless, but I have to start somewhere, right? And this year I've decided to structure my goals a bit more. I'm looking up prophetic counsel, digging into my patricarchal blessing, and truly praying about what I can do to really change myself this year. To be closer to that woman.
So, with that opening, here they are (I'm going to do a "plan of action" post later so I can actually accomplish them, but for now I've just listed them):

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or voilence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away"
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more. (e-mail dad 3x/week)
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
2. Meal plan for each week.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month

1. FHE once a week
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
3. Stay out of debt
4. Move to a small town
5. Be on time to church every week

1. Lose 20 lbs by April
2. Get MBA
3. Scriptures and prayer every day
4. Take 2 family names to the temple
5. Have at a guys night out each quarter
6. Go see Hamilton family at least 6 times this year
7. Go camping 5 times

1. Potty Training: Out of pull-ups at night, completely going by herself w/o help - going, wiping, washing.
2. Brush teeth twice a day
3. Morning chart by herself every morning
4. Folding arms, kneeling, quiet and respectful during prayers
5. Pick up messes after making them without being asked

1. stop hitting
2. Know what time out is.
3. Learn to share better
4. Eating more fruits
5. Saying please and thank you without being asked.