Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Update for the week! I did absolutely nothing about reading with the kids. I am swamped with homework, and totally distracted by the basement being finished.
I read a great book for my leadership class though. It is called Shackleton's Way. Shackleton was an arctic explorer in the early 1900's. he was unsucessful at reaching the South Pole, but he never gave up. His men were more important than the goal, and everyone of them under his watch came back alive. I love that the book is centered on people are the most important part of leadership.

Monday, January 26, 2009


So, I'm a day late in posting, oh well. I am trying to post on Sunday, but it just didn't happen yesterday. I took mom's idea and printed a checklist. I started marking it today. Soooo, last week....hmmmm. I finished a HUGE batch of laundry, I was finally caught up on Saturday night. I've done well the last couple of days keeping the laundry getting through the washer and dryer...I need to fold more though.

I did well getting to bed by 11 last week and getting the kids (all except Joshua) to bed by 9:30PM. Joshua...the problem with getting him to bed at a decent time is that I have to plan ahead for his naps. He usually has to be taking his last nap by 2:00 PM at the latest, but lately his first nap hasn't been until about 12:30 PM or 1:00 PM which puts his second nap at around 4:30 PM. So I need to plan ahead and make sure he is awake by 7:30 AM so he'll be tired by 11:30 AM so his nap schedule will be better, so his night time schedule will be better. It's like dominos if one falls, they all fall. I hope I can do better with that this week. It's so good to see that the other kids are adjusting though!! I tried to go to bed by 11 tonight but I had trouble sleeping so I decided to finally sit down and write.

So, getting up by 6:30-7:00, didn't do so hot on this again! Didn't do so hot on the scripture study either. The getting up thing is because of Joshua's naps I think. The scripture thing is because I'm not putting it first in the day. So I hope to do better with those this week.

I think I exercised three times last week, my goal is for four times. So, almost there. Not doing well with the glasses of water, fruit and veggie portions, salad once a day things. I guess the rest of my goals are basically no-go's too. But I'm trying to concentrate on a few at a time. Like I said, this week I want to focus on getting up by 6:30-7:00 again...and the backup goal of scheduling Joshua's naps so that can happen. So I've basically been rambling this whole post. I'll stop now. I like how Heidi organized her post, I'll try that next week...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Heidi's week #4 progress

Last week of the month ladies! Let's keep the momentum moving!
You guys are all doing great and I just want to say thanks again for participating. This "check-in" every week is really making a difference for me. I find myself doing things during the week just thinking about "check-in" time.
Overall, this week went pretty good. Our routines were better and more consistent and I felt pretty good about it for the most part.

While we're sharing quotes, here's one that I really like. It really goes with the progress not perfection thing...

Carl Schurz:
Our ideals resemble the stars, which illuminate the night. No one will ever be able to touch them. But the men who, like the sailors on the ocean, take them for guides, will undoubtedly reach their goal.


  • Still thankful that I've been able to refrain from attacking my face
  • We went to the temple yesterday!
  • We got pictures of the temple, first presidency, and Jesus in the girls rooms!
  • We are pretty much set on our 72 hour kits
  • Almost 100% on praying, scriptures, and morning inspriation with the family
  • On time to church!
  • 4 out of 4 for FHE
  • 3 date nights this month
  • Meal planning
  • Camcorder transferring


  • Computer time
  • Bed on time
  • Sarcasm
  • Keeping up w/ FLY lady
  • Appreciating my loved ones

    TOP 5 GOALS FOR 2009:
    1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
    I've been better about praying for help with this and it went Ok this week. I still have a long way to go especially before I can look at every person I meet and really not notice their outward trappings, but only their heart, but I feel progress.
    2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
    Mmm - OK. I constantly need to remind myself not to "weary in well doing" because some days I get so weary with the needs of just my little family that it's hard to see the bigger picture.
    3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
    I feel extremely blessed that I have been able to refrain from a full-force attack this week. I was truly tempted, and I did pop a few at "mirror-length" and I REALLY do need to do better with the prevention part - washing my face, exfoliating, etc, but I do feel like it's a miracle that I've gone this long without breaking down and attacking my face.
    4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or violence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
    I finished another inspirational book - Recovering Charles. I can't say it was a real testimony builder, but it focused on the importance of family relationships and it was inspirational. Also, we rented a movie last night but when we went to watch it, I really didn't feel like it fit the "inspirational" category at all, so we watched a different movie instead. I'm glad we did.
    5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
    I was about 6 for 7 this week, although I really need to not just read, but STUDY and APPLY what I learn in the scriptures and about my Savior. There were some things I read this week that directly applied to questions and struggles I'm facing now & I'm thankful for that.

    "B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
    1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
    Hooray! We went! We almost didn't go, but we did and I am thankful we got to have that spiritually uplifting and strenghtening time.
    2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
    I am more determined than ever to stay out of debt after reading the Duggar book. I pray that we can have help with this.
    3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
    I did write this week. It wasn't long, but I wrote and I was thankful I did.
    4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", and 1 "girls only" getaway!
    2 and a half weeks away to Phoenix. Can't wait!
    5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
    I KNOW my fasting has helped me do better with my goals this month. Truly, it has strengthened me.
    6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
    I did A LOT better this week. I think I got 100%! Even though last night, I grabbed the notebook and scribbled out one thing in the dark - hey it counts - and I am SO thankful for our daily miracles!
    7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
    I am feeling really good about this right now! I got some clothes and other items together and now I feel like our 72 hour kids are good to go! We still need a wheat grinder, but we are really close!
    8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
    Not good. I feel like I'm losing my patience more instead of gaining more patience.
    9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
    Again I wasn't good this week. I think I need to amend this to say: No more than 30 minutes of ME computer time a day - that means blogging, e-mails, facebook, etc. The other stuff: bill pay, newsletter stuff, etc should be counted separately, but I still need to strive to do this stuff while the kids are asleep or otherwise engaged (and I'm breaking that rule right now)
    10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10:30pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
    Bed: I changed it. yes I did. If I am in my bed by 10:30 that is really good enough. Getting to bed by 10 is like practically impossible for me. Eating: Better now that most of the junk is out of the house, but I still sneak too much junk from here & there. I need to eat more fruit to get the sugar I want. I have been drinking more water, though - and my bladder hasn't caught up yet. Exercise: 3x this week people - that's progress!

    "C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
    1. Stop being so sarcastic.
    I think I'm doing better, but I'm not sure. I've been praying, but I need to be more aware.
    2. Meal plan for each week.
    Again, I did really well this week and as a bonus, I kept our groceries under $100! I was proud of myself.
    3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
    Yes, mom, my blog does help to share the gospel, but I need to do better about reaching out.
    4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
    I bore my testimony at church this month
    5. Plant a garden.
    6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
    ALMOST done! We did get pictures of Jesus, a temple and the first presidency in the girls rooms, but we need to put some up in our room.
    7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
    Pretty good. For the most part, I have kept up with things. I wouldn't say our house has been spotless, but most of the time I would say I would be happy to have someone stop by unexpectedly.
    8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
    I worked on this this week! I'm to November with choosing pictures to print & scrapbook. Next phase - finishing choosing and start scrapbooking.
    9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
    I burned all the DVDs with the camcorder tapes for 2008. It's been fun to see them! I just need to finish up all of 2008 (including slideshows, pictures, and newsletter back-ups), then I'll do the same for 2007.
    10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
    We went to the temple this week. That's 3x this month! January checked off!

    1. FHE once a week
    We had FHE again this week. It was on obedience and I've really seen a difference in McKinley.
    2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
    We were about 6 for 7 this week! I feel really good about it and I know it makes a difference in our day.
    3. Stay out of debt
    Again, it won't be easy, but I know the Lord will bless us in this endeavor.
    4. Move to a small town
    We've been praying a lot and went to the temple with this in mind. I know the Lord is aware of our needs and has a plan for our family. I pray for patience to know what it is and accept whatever it is.
    5. Be on time to church every week.
    We were on time. Hooray!

Hola family and close friends!

Hey fam and friends,

I'm happy to report I've done slightly better the last two weeks then I did the prior week. Interesting enough, my hubby was in China the last two weeks... I wonder if there's any connection to my progress... let's hope not. :-)

Anywho, I've been a little better at praying daily, better at eating less sugar (except for today which I've eaten almost half a pan of my delicious rice crispy treats), I've been pretty much caught up with all my phone calls at work, reviewing my goals has been good, and I've been good at keeping my home cleaner.

I won't bore you too much with all I haven't been keeping up on but the biggest goal I want to report I've done next week is my "hour of power" with 20 minutes applied to exercise, reading inspirational material, and meditation/ praying.

So, there you have it folks.

Love you all!


P.S. Here are your inspirational thoughts of the week:

"Perseverance is the secret of success. Procrastination is the secret of failure."
Milton Levine (1913 - )

"Failure is only an opportunity to begin again more intelligently."
Henry Ford (1863 - 1947)

New Goal: post on the right blog!!

Oops! I did it again!!

sorry. I did it again! I posted on the wrong blog!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Becka's progress week 3

Well, it's Monday and so I thought I should put some progress on here. I really don't feel like I've made any progress this week. I need to work harder and focus on just one thing at a time. I also have quite a few things that I am dreading doing and maybe that is why I am being such a slacker. I really need to buck up and just do them. I'm so glad I have to be accountable to someone for not fulfulling my tasks. I know that it comes down to not doing them for my own sake but I also know that it helps to know there are others out there going through similiar struggles.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

YOU GUYS ROCK!! And Heidi's week #3 progress

Can I say - I just LOVE YOU GUYS! You are all so incredible and I am truly blessed to know you. I love to read your inspirational thoughts, your progress, and even your struggles (because it helps to remind me that I'm not the only one who falls sometimes).
THANK YOU for contributing and giving the support and encouragement we all, as women, need.
My last week seems like a blur to me. I was sick on Monday and Tuesday and then we took off on Friday and headed down South, looking at small towns on the way, visiting friends and staying with family. It was a nice trip - and it highlights my failure to adhere to my goals when my schedule is off. That is something I need to work on. I should remember and work toward my goals even if it's a weekend, a vacation, or a day that ends in "y". (that was a joke)
Anyway, below is my progress.
HIGHLIGHTS: Day #18 of no attacking my face! Hooray!, journal-writing, feel better about seeing myself and others through Jesus' eyes.
LOWLIGHTS: Eating, exercising, love notes, serving, appreciating my loved ones more

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
Again, on our trip I haven't been as diligent about praying, being humble, and seeing myself and others through Jesus' eyes. However, overall, I have felt better about this goal and it helps me in all my other goals and in everything I do during the day. It REALLY helps me feel the spirit!
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
Not as good last week. I only watched Cindy's kids for a little while and didn't really put the effort into really staying in a cheerful, giving, LOVE-TO-SERVE attitude.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
Like I said - 18 days - hooray!! I am still not perfect, but my face isn't either. If I can feel or see a zit standing away from the mirror, I don't feel terrible in getting it because if it's that big, it should be taken care of, but I need to do better about washing my face at night, exfoliating, and using a mask.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or violence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
I felt good about this. I read the Duggar Family book this week and really felt the spirit as they talked about rearing their super-sized family to trust and love God and become more Christlike. It gave me great ideas that I'm very eager to incorporate in my own family. So, I'm categorizing this as a Self-Help book. 1 down! as far as other media goes, we were at Jason's brothers house and you, me & Dupree came on TV. I had seen it before & knew there were inappropriate parts, but I figured the TV would edit them out. not so. it truly drove away the spirit. Especially with kids nearby. Shame on me! I should've suggested a different movie or at least gone into a different room and taken the kids with me.
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
I was probably only 4 for 7 this week. Not good. I WILL do better next week. I DO notice a difference when I do this! I need to be consistent - even when we're somewhere else.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
We have planned for the 24th (this weekend!)to do our temple switch with the Warrens.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
We paid a good fast offering this month. no income, so no tithing.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
I did write in my journal this week and it felt so good because lately it's been all about venting, but this week I did a complete gratitude post and it was GREAT to see all my blessings.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", and 1 "girls only" getaway!
We have a schedule for our "girls only" getaway to Phoenix! Hooray! I really hope it all works out.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
I KNOW my fasting has helped me do better with my goals this month. Truly, it has strengthened me.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
Yuck. Only 3 for 7 this week. Not good. I'll do better next week - I know I have been blessed! I just need to write them down!
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
Jason got some cash for our 72 hour kits. They still need clothes, but we are almost there!
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
Not as good. I need to do better at LOVING my loved ones.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
I don't know why I have been so bad with this one. THIS WEEK I'm going to actually try and keep track. I keep starting and then give up. I need to do better.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
Bed by 10: I actually did pretty good on this this week - even on the weekends. It made a WORLD of difference. I actually woke up fully awake at 6:30 a couple times this week.
Eating: yuck. blah. gross. Not the whole week, but this weekend was awwwwful with driving snacks and eating out.
Exercise. Only twice. Yes. Blah again.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
I need to do better.
2. Meal plan for each week.
I did really pretty good this past week. We did eat out the past couple of days while we've been out of town, but I did prepare a couple pretty good meals this past week.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Yes, mom, my blog does help to share the gospel, but I need to do better about reaching out.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
I bore my testimony at church this month
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
I'd REALLY like to do this tomorrow for FHE
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
I would say OK. It's getting better generally every week. I even did my home blessing hour this week!
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
I'm so far behind on memory stuff. Hopefully I can work an hour or so every night on catching up.
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
I did move the firewire over and am working on a 2008 DVD. I did burn one, but I need to finish.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
Jeff actually got a baby-sitter and we went out on Saturday with the Hamiltons and their friends, the Goobs (or something like that). We went to Cafe Rio and the ice cream place.

1. FHE once a week
YES - we did! 3 for 3 this month!
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
We were probably 4 for 7 this week. OK - can do better!
3. Stay out of debt
Right now, we're good. I need to finish the finances!
4. Move to a small town
We drove down South through some small town this weekend. I still like it over in Wasatch or Morgan County better, but we'll see. And pray. And fast.
5. Be on time to church every week.
Sigh...Jeff's church was @ 1pm. We COULD have gone, but we really wanted to get on the road and home before dark, so we didn't go.

Inspiring Thought...

Here is another wonderful: “The course of our lives is seldom determined by great, life-altering decisions. Our direction is often set by small, day-to-day choices that chart the track on which we run. This is the substance of our lives—making choices.” President Hinckley

Little by little...

I love mom's checklist, I love Heidi's water idea, I love Trisha's thoughts. I only read the latest posts though. Thanks everyone for your ideas!

Some of the plates I’ve been attempting to spin have crashed. Namely me getting to bed on time, an attempt to eat less sugar, attending a heart to heart meeting, getting up between 6:30 and 7:00, exercising and keeping my house clean. And these are only a few of the crashed plates.

The plates that have been spinning fairly well are the plates of getting the kids to bed on time and reading my scriptures every day. Some days I’ve done better than others. I wish I could spend three hours a day on this blog, but I don’t think I have the time. I am going to spend at least an hour on Sundays though. So, you can start all over at any time right?? This week I am shooting for continuing on the “kids to bed” goal and “reading scriptures” goal. I will try to add the “get up between 6:30 and 7:00” goal, “drinking three cups of water before eating anything with sugar” goal and the “get to bed by 11:00” goal. Mom, I know you won’t mind if I officially adopt your water before sweets goal.

So there’s my report. At least I’ve made SOME progress. I am grateful to God and I am grateful to myself for the progress I have made. I pray that I can continue to keep the plates spinning that I’ve started and maybe add a few more to them. And maybe, just maybe I can take those spinning plates down and put them in a stack of completed habits sometime in the next six months or so. I know they say that it takes only 21 days to create a habit, but I don’t think that will be enough for me. I think if I say I’m done after 21 days I will just relax and get back into the bad habits.

Week 2

And a fun photo to add color and love:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What Heaven Sees in You

I don't know how many of you read my regular blog, but I had to post this here just in case. It directly relates to my goal of seeing myself and others and Jesus sees us. I have been truly, noticeably happier the past few days as I have worked harder on this goal. It amazes me because when I look in the mirror, when I have the spirit and when I focus on my eyes, I really do begin to see the woman God sees in me. One part of me is amazed that it doesn't send me into depression, just knowing how far away I am from TRULY being that woman, but the most important things I see there are HOPE and LOVE and if I focus on those things than I feel happy and healthy and loved.
Here's the video that I posted on my blog. I love it. And love it. And I hope it helps you, too, see your worth and the love your Savior has for the amazing woman YOU are.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

"Time" in a Bottle

"This Time I AM going to drink my water" I pledge.

First I used a big jug. That turned out to be heavy and awquard and difficult to take on-the-go.

After many unsuccessful attempts I found that if I would fill 3 bottles first thing in the morning I could store them in a drawer as I emptied them through the day. Uaalaa! I got my water intake in!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Trisha's Progress

Holy Crap! You have all done so well with your goals and with keeping the blog (all of us) up to date. I don't know how I'm going to keep up with all of you. By the way, it's so great to have you Josie! I read what you all have written and I love it all. I think my favorite was Becka's comments about how others celebrate new years. I think that's great! And what a great thought to take goals one at a time. That sure seems a lot easier than trying to tackle a whole load of goals at once.
This week I have deffinately made progress on many of my goals. On Monday's I have been cleaning our home like crazy! Yesterday I got all of the laundry done, folded and put away. I did the ironing, dusting, vaccuuming, thourougly cleaned the bathroom, sweeping, mopping, thourougly cleaned out our fridge, did all the dishes, cleaned the microwave and I even rearanged our bedroom and our kitchen. And it felt SO GOOD!
I have washed my face 4 out of 7 times...progress right? YES!
I feel like I have been doing really well with my scripture study this past week. I have been reading D&C along with the learning guide that we got in sunday school and I've learned so much. I've even been able to get lost in the studying and loose track of time. Amazing. I think I did miss 2 days though.
We've been doing better with our couple scripture study this past week. I have so much to learn from Darrin! He's so knowledgable!
I make delicious rolls this week! And from the same dough I made delectable cinimmon rolls. I used the "Lion House Roll" recipe and it was great. But just because I got it once, doesn't mean I've perfected it. I will keep trying until I know exactly what good dough looks like, feels like etc. So that every time I make rolls they turn out.
I didn't exercise this past week. :( I need to get a DVD first to help me since we can't afford a gym membership.
I haven't made too much progress on getting to bed on time either. I have been waking up early though :)

well, there you have it. I hope this next week goes well too! I love you all! Keep up the good work!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Ummmm yea..........

I thought about copying and pasting last weeks progress because I haven't been much more successful since I last posted. Like I said, there's only up!

However after reading everyone's posts, you all gave me lots of inspiration and ideas. I really loved mom's checklist so I'm going to work on that.

I'm sure I'll be saying this each time I post, but I really appreciate everyone's posts and comments. I had no idea how wise y'all were... just kidding, but seriously! :-)

Anywho, love you all. Cross your fingers that this week I'll do better!



Ok - so I'm the administrator of this blog and I right now I have it set up to send an e-mail to everyone anytime anyone posts something or makes a comment on something.
Please let me know if you DO NOT want e-mail updates - either for new posts or for comments - or both.
I just don't want to bombard your inbox if you don't want to see it all.
BUT... that means you need to still check in regularly...right?


I have never made a New Years Resolution. I have never felt the need to. Not that I feel I am perfect, far from it. I just never saw the point when there was nothing I wanted to wait to start until Jan 1st. However, our pastor has challenged us to read the Bible cover to cover as a family this year. We have read Gen 1, Matt 1, Ezra 1. It has been entertaining. Andrew has lots of questions about the six days that God created the earth, i.e., when were the dinosaurs created?
I am in awe of the resolutions that you girls have all made, and KEPT! Wow, I would love to be organized enough to say the how and why.

Becka's Progress

Well, it is another glorious day and I am up. I thought since it is Monday and I'm starting to plan my week then I should probably put my progress on here.

First, I have been getting up about 1/2 the time. This is probably the bit that I am doing the worst at but I am making progress so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I have had a lot of headaches but I know that these are coming from lack of sleep and not eating the right foods. I am really proud of myself for getting up on a few days when I had a headache and continuing on anyways. I know that I need to control my sleeping habits if I want to control my headaches. I know many of the triggers for them and I think that if I ignore these triggers than I have no one to blame for being sick but myself. My goal this week is to get up every day and not go back to bed, no matter what. Even if that means sitting around in my pj's moaning on the couch. If I don't set a regular schedule then my body can't adjust and I will continue on a downward spiral.

I have also been trying to choose to eat healthier. I have chose water over other things a few times and have been drinking less pop. In fact I have hardly had any pop at all but maybe that has more to do with the fact that I haven't bought any. I am sure that helps. We haven't eaten out at all but that has more to do with how poor we are then how convenient it is to cook. Being poor definitely has it's advantages. It's much harder to eat poorly (I find it funny that WIC thinks it's the other way around). I am going to sit down today and write down a menu for the whole week and put it on the fridge. Then I need to buy only the things I need on the list with no "goodies".

I contacted three friends of mine who home school there kids (including Cindy) to see how they did it and what some of the difficulties and advantages were. I also looked up some local home school societies and found out what I need to do for the Colorado State Law. I have a book I'm reading on homeschooling that I am really enjoying. What I need to do now is finish the book by the end of the week, talk to a few more home school parents and start to work out my own curriculum.

I'm going to leave it at that. I don't want to push myself to hard. I know my limits and I know that if I stay within those limits I can do things just fine but if I step outside them then I am asking for trouble.

Lastly I want to mention something I have been thinking about. Two out of the three people Dave works with are from South America. We were at a Christmas/winter solstice/Hanukkah party right before Christmas and they were telling us all what their new years traditions were. New Years for some of them was a much bigger holiday then Christmas. At 12:00 as the clock chimes you are suppose to eat 12 grapes, one for each month (and subsequently for each resolution) you are going to do for the year. They then went on to explain that at the beginning of the year they pick something they are going to do for each month, instead of one thing for the whole year. I really like that because I felt that it would be easier to complete your resolutions if they were spread out over the entire year with a renewal at the beginning of each month. Just something I thought I would mention.... Oh, and the fact you are suppose to wear new pink underwear on New Years Eve. So happy new year and I'll post again in another week.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My top five...

So, I will take a page out of Heidi's book and do a top five list too, if this is okay. I have so many goals that I'm not sure I can focus very well, so this should help a little.

My top 5…
1.Get the kids to bed by 9:30 at the latest, get to bed by 11:00 myself.
2.Get up by 6:30 to 7:00 (Hey, I’m not a morning person and I deserve a little leeway right?)
3.Read the scriptures for at least 15 min. a day.
4.Exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.
5.Attend a heart to heart meeting once a week.

One last in stake conference a speaker talked about the people who spin plates. Kind of an odd subject, but he compared it to trying to improve ourselves. He said that a plate spinner must leave some plates to spin others. He or she can only spin one plate at a time and so each of us needs to remember that we need to let each of our goals be a focus one at a time. Does this make any sense or am I rambling. It sounded so good when he said it, I'm afraid I'm messing it all up. Anyway, mom said the same type of thing to me when she mentioned Ben Franklin and how he had a system of focusing on one goal for an entire week and moving on to another. FLY lady has the same option when she says that you can focus on one goal until you feel that you have it down for the most part and add to it by adding another goal...sort of like steps one building on another. Don't know if this makes any sense, but it helps me...

Humility vs. Pride

Humility vs. Pride in accomplishing goals…
I often feel prideful when I accomplish a goal and feeling this way makes me feel sad. I know it’s okay and even good to feel great when I do what I want to, but pride is something I absolutely must kick out of my heart and out of my life. Here is an affirmation of sorts my therapist helped me develop that I love…

I feel grateful to God and to myself when I take small steps toward who I am really meant to be.

I also want to remember and repeat this scripture whenever I feel myself beginning to be prideful…
“Yea, I know that I am nothing. As to my strength I am weak. Nevertheless, I will boast of my God for in His strength I can do all things.”

Any thoughts or suggestions on this one guys??

My plan of action...

So, I'm sorry I haven't posted my progress, what with being up a lot with Tiarra's bladder infection problem, Michael's growing pains, Kalli's emotional preteen drama and my homework I have had a hard week. Not to mention my cell phone breaking, an MRI for Kalli, a couple of tests at Primary Children's Hospital for Tiarra, doctor's appointments, Kalli's birthday, Kalli's birthday sleepover...need I go on. ANYWAY, I do not wish to procrastinate or give excuses, but we are sopose to be gentle with ourselves right. And we can start again any time we wish, so here goes....


Two things keep getting in the way of my achieving these goals. One of them is the kids’ bedtime and the other is Joshua sleeping through the night. I can’t exercise very well or have quiet time or have a good personal study with them awake. When the kids are in bed on time, like last night, often the girls in particular won’t actually fall asleep until 11:00 or 12:00. I put them in bed by 9:00 and I let them read, hoping they would fall asleep while doing so, until 10:30. On second thought I think I need to say lights out by 9:30 or 10:00. Anyway, after I said lights out I got complaints of nausea, tummy aches and headaches. I gave heated rice packs and Maalox for tummies and ice packs for heads. More tummy ache complaints and then insomnia complaints from the girls…I felt so exasperated and frustrated, I had done my job in getting them into their beds by 9:00, but still they would not sleep. I think if I keep getting them to bed by 9:00 for one week, they all sleep in the same spot, and I get them up by 6:30 or 7:00 then maybe their bodies will adjust. At least that’s what I’m hoping.

Joshua is another problem altogether. I admit that his problem is largely my fault, but in my general defense I love to cuddle with him when he is sleepy. But I think it is creating some problems. I think I will try to journal and post Joshua’s night wakings so maybe I will get a clue as to how I can get him to sleep longer. I have been putting him in the same little crib place pretty consistently but I guess I need to pat his back for only five minutes, then whether he is awake or asleep I will leave, let him cry for 15 minutes, go in and pat his back for five minutes and so on until he is asleep. I just hate to hear him cry forever. That is my plan on that account for now.

Whys and Hows and some general thoughts…
First of all, let me say Heidi, that you are an inspiration to me, little sis. I love your planning skills and implementation. So, if it’s okay with you, I am going to, heaven forbid, copy you. I hope that’s okay with you.

1. Read and really ponder the scriptures for 15 minutes a day.
2. Pray always.
3. Ponder and memorize a scripture a week.

Because if I do these things I will feel closer to the Lord and it is only by feeling his love that I can be happy and feel true joy.

1. Plan A is that I try to read the scriptures and say prayers while I exercise on my elliptical in the morning before the kids are awake. But I’m not sure if I can convince my night owl body to comply. Plan B is to read my scriptures while I sip herbal tea at night before I go to sleep.
2. Praying always is a bit vague. I want to have a sort of continual dialogue with the Lord all the day long. If I keep a planner (maybe that’s another goal altogether, I don’t know) then every time I refer to it I can live prayer by prayer as mom advocates. Or maybe when I look at the calendar I can do that. Or maybe when I wash my hands I can say a little prayer, I sure wash my hands a lot with changing diapers and cooking meals, not to mention going to the bathroom. It wood be symbolic too. So, I’m not sure which one will work the best. Maybe I’ll try all three and see which one I can keep up??
3. I want to pick one scripture on Sunday during my personal study. I will post it with tape on the top of the fridge and read it every time I open it.

1. Exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.
2. Drink 7 glasses of water a day.
3. Loose 18 pounds by Independence Day to end with a weight of 110 pounds (which is a healthy weight for a 4' 11 1/2 " dwarf).
4. Eat six fruit and vegetable servings a day.5. Eat one salad a day.

Because I want to treasure my mind, body and spirit and treat them with respect. It is only by treating them this way that I can complete my mission on earth to the best of my ability. When I exercise I feel better about myself and who I am, when I drink the right amount and eat the way I want to- I feel my confidence grow and I like how I look and feel better.

1. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays plan A will be to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and exercise while reading scriptures. If something comes up and I can’t do that then I will do it at night after putting the kids to bed. If I can’t do it then, I will try and exercise on one of my off days.
2. Drink a glass of water before eating each meal and one glass while eating, that will bring me to six glasses of water. Then I will count my herbal tea before bed.
3. I will have a goal of keeping a journal of the foods I eat and generally keeping track of the calories, I will weigh myself at least once a week, preferably after I exercise. I plan to loose three pounds a month, approximately one pound per week, give or take a little. By Independence Day I would like to be free of my excess “body clutter” as FLY lady calls it. I would like to fit into the jeans I bought at the beginning of last year and had to put up because they no longer fit me.
4. Eat one serving of fruit at breakfast, two at lunch, two at dinner and one for a snack.
5. For lunch or dinner eat a salad. At the beginning of the week, Monday preferably, slice up vegetables and other salad toppings and put them in containers for easy access.

1. Write in my journal for 15 minutes every other day.
2. Do something silly every day.
3. Live and let live.
4. Virtually attend a heart to heart meeting once a week.

Because just like my body, my mind is a vital part of who I am. If I feel at peace in my mind, I can handle stress much better, not yell at the kids or myself and feel happier.

1. On off days of exercising I want to write in my journal…Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Plan A would be to do it in the morning at 6:30, plan B would be to do it at night before bed.
2. Well, what can I say? I have a silly fun part that gets lost so much in the serious business of being a mom and trying to accomplish my mundane tasks in an efficient way. I am going to try to lighten up at least once a day and let loose. I’m not sure how to track this goal or when to do it except to say that I want to take the cue from my kids and when they are silly just join in.
3. Again, this role is not very trackable, but it is important. I would like to post this goal under my scripture on the fridge and try to remember it and read it often.
3. I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to do this one very easily. It’s probably going to be one of the very hardest goals for me. The meetings are at 6:00 every morning. I plan on being able to attend on Friday. They do have one meeting at 7:00 PM once a week but that is a difficult time with the kids, trying to get them fed and to bed.

My role as a housekeeper...
1. If I get it out I put it away, no matter what.
2. Remind the kids to put their stuff away, no matter what.
3. Clean for 15 minutes after each meal.
4. Keep the laundry up for 15 minutes a day.

Because when my house is clean, my brain feels clean…if that makes any sense. I don’t need it to be perfect, just pretty clean. Not too many toys, crumbs, papers or miscellaneous pieces of garbage to trip over and step on, no dishes in the sink, the table cleared off…all of these things help me to have peace of mind. The scriptures say to have a house of order and I want to do that.

1. I’m not sure how to track this one either. I just know that the habit of leaving things out is destroying any goal to keep the house clean on my account and the kids account. I think maybe we can remind each other. A big problem is eating and then leaving the mess because I need to leave. Another problem is trying to keep up with Joshua and his messes. He is a virtual mess machine and trying to clean up his messes is a full time job. I can plan my meals and plan the time needed to clean up the meals too. I can have the kids help me with Joshua.
2. Refer to number one.
3. Again, plan for the time it takes to clean up after each meal.
4. After the kids go to school, change the laundry. If that doesn’t work, do it just before dinner.

My role as the family accountant...
1. Stick to a budget of $1000 to $1500 a month
2. Don't eat out more than 3 times a month.
3. Make a buying list and stick to it, only buy two extra things not on the list.

Because the prophet has asked us to live within our means and because I feel much better about myself when I do a good job of not spending too much.

1. I think I might have to change the money amount, not sure yet. But not eating out will make a big difference. I might need to get a job. I’ll probably need to go on food stamps. But the most important thing will be to track my spending in my notebook and review it with the kids often. Perhaps I can do this during breakfast on Mondays, not sure if this will work, but I can try.
2. Keep a loaf of bread, pretzels, raisins and graham crackers in the car. This can help stave off hunger until I get home. Plan my meals once a week and on busy days use a crock pot. That way I will know there is a wonderful warm meal waiting for me when I get home.
3. I will keep a list of needs on the fridge and add to it during the week. Then I will try to go shopping once a month. I’m not sure if this will work, but it’s worth a try.

My role as a mommy...
1. Show love to my kids with a ten second hug every day.
2. Look at my kids in the eyes when they talk to me as much as possible.
3. Give consequences, don't yell...let the consequences speak for me.

This is one of my very most important roles. I will come before God to give an accounting of this role. I view my role as a mommy very seriously. I often fall short of my expectations for myself in this area.

1. I will try to give this as a “good morning” hug, but if the morning doesn’t work, then I will try to give this hug at night right before bed.
2. This one is a little tricky because with four kids I often find myself trying to do five things at once, but I will always remember how good at looking us in the eyes Grandma Potts was. I remember how important and valued I felt when she did this for me. So, I will just try to remember when I can that I want to do this.
3. Again, this one is hard to track. Just something to read and remember as often as possible.

Heidi's week #2 progress

Hello my fellow resolution-ers! I can't believe we're already about 2 weeks into 2009. Crazy! Overall, I'm feeling OK. There were some that I crashed & burned on last week (like B10), but there were others that I felt really good about (like B7). Here's my progress:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
I think I've lost my focus the past few days, but overall, I have felt myself inch more toward this goal. I need to remember to pray fervently for help with this every day and night.
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
I watched Robyn's kids for about 3 hours the other day, so that was nice to do, but again there is so much I am not doing.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
I can't say I've been perfect on this, but I have YET to break the "no sitting on the counter or leaning towards any mirror" rule and I know it has helped so much. I know this blog has helped, too, because I want to be more accountable. I did pop Jason's zits this week, so I need to STOP doing that. I did pop a few of mine, too, but it was from far away from the mirror and I only popped one or two.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or violence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
HMmm - it was not the best. I listened to too many songs in the car that were not inspirational, and we watched "the curious case of benjamin button" yesterday. Not that it wasn't entertaining, but I can't say it was inspirational at all and I can say that there were definitely some parts that I should have left for!
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
I think I was 6 for 7 this week, but I need to do better at not just reading, but APPLYING. I'm reading in the New Testament and I'm loving reading my Savior's words, but I need to be like the wise man and apply his words, not just read them. I also need to take more time for fervent prayer - and listen for His answers

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
We have planned for the 24th to do our temple switch with the Warrens.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
We paid a good fast offering this month. no income, so no tithing.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
I wrote twice in my journal this week. Hooray! I know it helps me - especially since I've been so frustrated with my girls' sleep schedules, McKinley's accidents, and her banging on her bedroom door. It's nice to vent to my journal.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", and 1 "girls only" getaway!
We have a schedule for our "girls only" getaway to Phoenix! Hooray! I really hope it all works out.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
I KNOW my fasting has helped me do better with my goals this month. Truly, it has strengthened me.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
5 for 7. Not perfect this week, but OK. I did write down some amazing things, though, that I wouldn't necessarily have remembered - protecting us as we were driving down the freeway and I was on the phone and there was a Christmas tree in the middle of the freeway that I had to slam on my breaks and swerve to miss. Also, McKinley & Michael taking a shower decided to plug the stopper and Ireland was in there. I didn't check as often as I should've because I figured it was a shower, so no problem, but I go in there and the water is almost to the top and Ireland could have SO EASILY gone under! I've had so many wonderful love notes from God this week - not only safety, but GORGEOUS sunrises, sunsets, and moons.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
Jason went to Emergency Essentials this week and spent $600 getting stuff for our 72 hour kits & food storage. We still need some more food for the girls and cash and clothes for our 72 hour kits, but we are making so much progress!
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
I did e-mail dad more this week. That's probably about the only good thing. I lost my temper with McKinley last night probably worse than it's ever been. She was in her room banging on her door for an hour and a half before I went in and gave her a spanking. It ended up being multiple spankings because she kept banging. Ohhh it was a frustrating night. I was crying, McKinley was crying. ug. I did hold her tight today, though, and made sure that she knows how much I love her - even when I'm upset.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
This week was baaad for this. Not only am I bad about being on the computer when the girls are awake (I wanted to only be on the computer when they're asleep), but I've been on way too long. I need to keep track and do better.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
This was the WORST! Ug. I am sitting here with strep throat. I've been cough/congestion sick for 2 weeks and this tops it all off. Hooray. I can't say for sure it's the reason, but I probably only got to bed by 10 2 nights this week, I'm a little better about fruits & veggies (but Uncle Richard's stocking candy is KILLING me! I eat it sOoooo much! - I need to ask Jason to hide it, give it away, or trash it), but I only exercised twice this week. TWICE! That should go to show all you who think I'm an exercising maniac that I'm not. Hopefully I will get the Z-pack tomorrow & spend next week getting better on these goals.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
I realized I made a sarcastic comment to Trisha on this blog. Come on people! Get after me! It's such an automatic thing, sometimes I forget. I need to pray for more help with this.
2. Meal plan for each week.
I did great this week at going through my recipe books, deciding on recipes, snacks, sides, etc and making a categorized shopping list. And then I forgot my list! I did OK, though, and we've had a few good meals this week, although when I'm sick the last thing I want to do is make meals.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
I haven't really found anyone yet, but I hope to be a good example.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
I bore my testimony at church this month
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
Maybe if I'm feeling better tomorrow we can go to the distribution center and pick these up.
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
Not horrible, but right now my house is definitely not guest-worthy. It doesn't help that I'm sick, but the weekends are usually worse anyway. I tend to get lazier when Jason's around and I just want to relax and cuddle with him.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
I didn't get scrapbooking done last week - I need to, but I did do a slideshow of our Hawaii trip! Horray!
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
I'm hoping to have Jason's help transferring the firewire to the other computer today. that will help.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
We went out yesterday. THANKS SO MUCH Mom!

1. FHE once a week
We did have a FHE on preparedness this week. Again, short, but good!
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
We've been better about this - not perfect - but we're at the part where Jesus comes to the Americas. It's so neat and McKinley even has made more comments about it as we eat.
3. Stay out of debt
Right now, we're good. I need to do the finances. Things are getting tight. We pray that Jason can find a new job soon and we can stay out of debt.
4. Move to a small town
We're hoping to do our "small town south" trip this weekend. We may end up not moving to a small town this year if the economy prevents it, but it's a goal and we will pray for the Father's guidance for our family.
5. Be on time to church every week.
I have strep. Jason isn't feeling good. Needless to say, we didn't make it this week.

Patricia's Progress

Okay, so it took me a little longer to follow-up BUT I’m excited to so now.

After choosing my goals I typed them up and taped them to a page in my planner/journal (a fancy was to say a small spirol notebook.)

I just wrote a dash if the goal was weekly or monthly or if I just didn’t make progress that day.

Some of my important goals are monthly instead of daily. I just made a dash there.
Can you see this Okay? If so, it speaks for itself. I made the most progress this week on memorizing positive songs (Thanks Heavenly Father.)
I Love You All!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My resolutions 2009 - Becka

I want to first thank you all SOOOOO MUCH for allowing me to be involved in your endeavor. As much as I love my own family they would never do anything like this and since I think of you as my second family it is great that I have somewhere I can do stuff like this. I know I'm rambling but eventually I get to the point. You all are awesome! You inspire me and really make me feel like I can do a lot more then I corrently am. I will be honest, I only have 1 resolution so far. But that one resolution is going to change EVERYTHING in my life.

I have decided to homeschool my kids.

Let me first tell you the reasons behind my decision. Joe (my 3rd child) has Aspergers and although he has a brilliant mind, he is not doing well in school. He is already starting to be made fun of and cries every morning before going to school. He also is bored half out of his skull because they are learning to write there letters and he is reading about the States and their capitals. Lily and Isaac are having problems of their own, not to the extent of Joe but I can't stand to see them struggle like this. (example - Lily read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for fun but couldn't pass the 7th grade test on it, so they wouldn't let her count it for her reading and she was placed in the lower reading class). I know I don't need to explain my decision to all of you but I want you to understand why I am doing what I am doing.

So in order for me to homeschool my kids I am going to have to change so much.

1. I need to get up early every morning.
  • Have morning prayer
  • Scripture study
  • possitive affirmations (I want to do this, I do not want to kill the kids, etc.)
  • and exercise
2. Set up a strict schedule and stick to it.
  • 6:00 Scripture and prayer
  • 6:30 exercise
  • 7:00 shower
  • 8:00 breakfast
  • 8:20 scripture study with kids
  • 9:00 School starts
  • 12:00 lunch
  • 1:00 older kids continue until 2 or 3
  • 3:00 snack
  • 6:00 dinner
  • 8:00 Bedtime for kids
  • 11:00 bedtime for me
I know I have never been a very organized person but I also know I am an organized person at heart. I have spent the last couple of days memorizing this schedule and I have gotten up at 7:30 the first day and 6:30 this morning. For me this is huge. I have been able to stick to a schedule that was very similiar to this for quite a long time but my big problem is the mornings. If I can just get up then I can do pretty much everything but getting up is such a problems for me. It will probably be the biggest thing I have to overcome.

I am not going to homeschool immedietly. I am going to research all my options first. I have already contacted several friends who homeschool their kids and asked what they do. I have to plan my homeschool around each one of my kids personalities. I need to read up on as many different homeschool options as possible. I am leaning towards one called Thomas Jefferson. Several people in my ward do this one and I would have a ready made homeschool group with some people I already know.

Last, I need to work on my health. I have been doing much better with my auto immune disorder since I moved to Colorado (perhaps it's being away from my family he he) but I need to do better. I need to work on choosing healthier foods and getting enough rest. I have been working on getting off of some the medications I have been taking for years but it will take a lot of discipline if I want to stay off them.

So, let me recap
  1. Set schedule and stick to it
  2. Have daily prayer and scripture study
  3. Exerice daily (even if it's just 5 minutes of yoga, it really helps my health and energy)
  4. Read books on homeschool and talk to as many homeschool advacates as possible.
  5. Plan healthy meals and snacks and have a strict bedtime.
I am sure that there will be more in the year as I move towards my goal but I think this is enough for now. Our plan right now is that I will study homeschool plans for the next 2 months and then make a final decision which one to do. We will probably then pull Joe out and homeschool him until the end of the year. Once school is out then we will continue with the older kids and not enroll them in school next year. Of course, things might change but right now I think this will be the least invasive of all the plans we have thought of.

Thank you all again for letting me join your group. You all are such amazing women. I am greatful that you are willing to let me grab a little of your insight and drive. I know if anyone can accomplish the goals that you have set, it's all of you.

Tiff's Progress (or lack thereof)

Hey fam,

First off, let's all give a "hip hip hooray" (as mom would say) to Heidi for all her progress. You ROCK!

Let's just say, for me the only way to go is up. I think there was one day I only ate one bowl of cereal. I did pray a few times more than I normally do. There's the positive. I won't list the negative because I'm not sure the blog even has capacity for it... he, he, he. I guess that's not really funny but what can I say...?
Anyways, I sure love you all and this blog. It's challenging being away from all of you and I miss you TONZ!!! But I think as long as we keep up this blog, I can survive another year without you :-( So PLEASE keep doing what you're doing and posting.

Love you gals!
P.S. here are some pics of my more recent tattoo escapade. Let's just say "OUCH!" I should have taken anti-swelling meds before the procedure but whoops.... I forgot.

Trisha's Resolution's

"Let me tell you something about goal setting. I am so thoroughly convinced that if we don’t set goals in our life and learn how to master the technique of living to reach our goals, we can reach a ripe old age and look back on our life only to see that we reached but a small part of our full potential. When one learns to master the principle of setting a goal, he will then be able to make a great difference in the results he attains in this life. " -Elder Russell Ballard

“For my part, I have concluded that the quality which sets one man apart from another—the factor which lifts one man to every achievement to which he reasonably aspires while the other is caught in the slough of mediocrity for all the years of his life—is not talent, nor formal education, nor luck, nor intellectual brilliance, but is rather the successful man’s greater capacity for self-discipline.” -Mr. Woodson

I am an emotional wreck. Seriously, I can't explain how many times I've found myself crying the past few months. Sometimes I don't even know what I'm crying for-like I'm PMSing all the time. I'm not pregnant-promise. I feel bad for Darrin because sometimes I blow up at him for no good reason and then I realize that later and feel so dumb.
I found myself praying the other day, "Dear God please make me less of a drama queen! I don't want to be one and I know I am!" (all of my family and friends are nodding their heads.) Why am I a drama queen? Well, probably because I am the baby of my family, I am very co-dependant, and I want things my way...and most of the time they don't go my way. That's when the tears start flowing.
I have been falling out of routines lately. It's hard with my job. Sometimes I have appointments at 7am and sometimes they go until midnight depending. My days are all jumbled so I find it hard to keep routines. (i.e. Scripture reading, cleaning, exercising, eating healthy, going to bed at a certain time and waking up at a certain time, reading a book for fun, checking my email, date nights, etc.) So, I've been beating myself up about it. Every day is different for me so how can I set scripture study's time for 9am when I have appointments? How can I eat healthy when I only have 5 minutes in between appointments to just hurry and grab a snack? How can I exercise regularly?
I know the answer. I can book my appointments around my set routines. But I try and work with other people's schedules and usually not my own.
Why am I writing all of this? Well, these have been some of my dilemmas. When the new year began to creep up, I started pondering (something I haven't done in a while) some solutions to my problems. What goals could I set to make my life more organized, to make me a happier person, and to better enjoy life, my husband and my relationship with my Heavenly Father?
Well, I've come up with some goals for 2009 and I'm not quite sure HOW I'm going to accomplish them all yet, but I'm determined to figure it out. If anyone has ideas of how I could accomplish these goals, let me know :).
Set aside part of one day of the week (Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday) to get cleaning done (Laundry, Dusting, Vacuuming, Straightening, Bathroom, Mop etc) I would rather get it all done in one day than to do one thing each day. I am a get it all done while I'm thinking about it kinda girl.
Put dishes in the dishwasher right after I use them (I've been pretty good about this-but I want to keep it up. It makes it so much easier!)
Fold laundry as I get it out of the drier
Read the book "And they were not Ashamed"
Personal Study when I wake up (whenever that may be)
Couple Study before we go to bed (Whatever time that may be)
Be IN BED (teeth brushed) by 11:45 (that's early for us)
Exercise 3 times a week (Mon, Wed, Fri) for at least 20 minutes (I'm going to try Pilate's)
Wash my Face before bed (I'm really bad at this)
Do a home project once a week
Show/Develop Charity, "Pure Love of Christ"
Perfect Yeast Dough (I am not so great at making breads...I want to change this!) Make a bread at least once a month.
Put together all of my outfit scenarios and take pictures to put up around my closet (This way I wont spend so much time trying to decide what to wear and thinking that I have NOTHING to wear when there's a whole closet full in front of me!)
Learn how to make at least two Brazillian dishes (where Darrin served his mission)
Learn how to make at least two German Dishes (Where my Pops served)
100% Visiting Teaching
So, there you have it. Above are some of my goals. I appreciate the thought "Do not run faster than I have strength". I hope I can apply that to my life and I hope that I will become a happier, more organized person throughout 2009 and beyond. And I KNOW that with the help of my Heavenly Father and my Savior I CAN accomplish these things. God wants me to be more organized and happier and he will help me :)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009 Hopeful Possibilities

I sat pondering from a wooden chair as I looked out the window of our friends home in St. George, Utah. Their red brick, 3 story home sits at the top of a steep hill at the end of a cultisack. I thought of my morning walk and of the last 100 steps that tested my endurance and lungs before I made it to their door. “Hmmm,” I thought, as I contemplated my goals for another year. Most of my peaceful, “top of the hill” experiences were not planned this year. They were difficult and steep experiences (like my recent herniated neck discs) yet, when the pain finally subsides and answers seem close I find that somehow I have grown.

Still, although these experiences were not on my list of goals (wherever they are), often my planning has prepared me for the unpreparable, and so I will once again plan, pray and prepare. This year I look forward to joining hands with other 2009 hopefuls. I am entitling my piece “Hopeful Possibilities” because after 53 years of “New Year Resolutions” I thought a change was in order. J

As I write this, I feel like a kid in a candy store. I want so many improvements, so many good memories.

So here goes. I will label them as A,B or C priorities (Kind of like my GREAT EIGHT.) In this case not because B priorities aren’t important but because I had to somehow par the list:

A. Drinking a half cup water before eating sweets or seconds
A. Doing what I need to in order to get my neck working better

B. I often talk to my Father in prayer but I rarely kneel to do it. I want to kneel at least once daily. In fact, I think I’ll try to kneel when I go to visit the bathroom throne several times a day.
A. Set a timer when I do computer things so I can generally keep it to 20 minutes per session.
B. Continue journaling many of my prayers
B+. Read the D&C
B. Enjoy the temple with Dan and the girls as well as by myself. Try to attend twice a month.

B. Learn how to use my mp3 player and start using it

B. Be more consistant with dates. Dan dates, kids and grandkids dates. Even if we just have a nice meal at home.
A. When importing pictures, label the good ones so I can find them
A. Make one extra payment per month on the principle owed on our house. Even a small check can be helpful.
A. Enjoy a wonderful, memorable retreat with our family and Lotta’s family in August!!!

B. Organizing ½ of our home (that means dejunking and organizing drawers, cupboards etc. in at least 5 rooms
B. Redoing our bedroom (sell current oak furniture, get new flooring and redecorate with simple, streamlined furniture.) I want it to have a “retreat” or “bed and breakfast” look (THANKS FOR YOUR HELP TIFF, YOU HELPED US COME UP WITH A PLAN.)
A. I want to be more accountable for our budget.

Marketing, Writing, Speaking, Singing:
A. I’m going to stick out my neck on this one: Keep my thoughts more positive through memorizing positive songs then sharing them through MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKING and INSPIRATIONAL MUSICAL PRESENTATIONS four times per year. The titles I’m thinking of are: “Spring Forward”, “A Summer’s Day”, “Fall Fun” and “Holiday Happenings”. I would like any feedback you may have.
A. Share/sell 300 My Journey from Darkness to Light by April. At that point I want to determine a new goal by the end of 2009
B. Continue spending 8-10 hours per week learning to market my books through the web. Continue my newsletter and continue learning from my partner and webmaster, Heidi.
B. Attending 3-4 writer’s retreats

Heidi's weekly update

Hello everyone!
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about my goals. I have to keep telling myself, though - progress, not perfection. Since next week is the first full week of 2009, I think it will get better as we all get back into our routines and put Christmas away until next year.
Here are my updates:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
I'm feeling progress on this. Obviously I have a long way to go, but I really felt the spirit today and it helped in this goal.
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
I did watch my neighbor's little girl this week while she went to a lunch, so that felt good to serve, but I need to definitely do better.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
Hooray! I'm on my 4th day of no popping. I know that sounds silly, but it is progress and I think this is helping. I think it's good to step back from the mirror and see myself in the big picture instead of getting nitty gritty and focusing on all my imperfections. My face feels smoother, clearer and healthier right now.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or voilence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
I feel OK about this. I was thankful that we made the choice to watch Prince Caspian on Friday night instead of another movie that might have offended the spirit. Prince Caspian brought the spirit and was inspirational.
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
Horray! Another 4 for 4! Althought, I wasn't sure it was going to happen a few nights. I was thankful I did do it.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
I hope to sit down w/ Jason and schedule a temple time for this month today.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
We paid a good fast offering today.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
Hope to do this next week.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away"
Hope to schedule these w/ Jason today.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
I was a bit off, I have to admit. I meant to start at 5, but I totally forgot & stopped eating at like 7:30 instead. Hope to do better next month.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
4 for 4! Although, I have to admit I cheated a bit and wrote the next morning instead of that night. I truly am blessed and it's neat to see it on paper.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
Hope to schedule a time today to go to the new Emergency Essentials store this week.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
Sigh... I still have a ways to go on this one. I need to be kinder, gentler, more loving and serving.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
I wasn't so good with this one primarily in writing down my goals, but next week I should be on top of it.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
Clarification on bed by 10: Not on weekends. I hope to be in bed by midnight on weekends. But I was good on the weekdays. I need to work on eating more fruits & veggies. I only exercised twice last week. and not for as long as I wanted to, so I need to work on that.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
Again, progress but not perfection. I need to especially do better w/ Jason.
2. Meal plan for each week.
Blah. Bad. Next week will be better.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Our Relief Society lesson was on this today. I hope to find someone to share the gospel with and be a good example!
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
I was thankful to bear my testimony today in church.
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
In the next couple weeks...
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
BAD. So bad. We have boxes from Christmas and all kinds of things all over the house. I would be horrified if someone came over right now. I'm planning a huge clean-up tomorrow and hope to keep it clean.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
Do some scrapbooking next week
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
next week...
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
Mom or Cindy - will be calling for this weekend :)

1. FHE once a week
We did have a FHE on honesty this week since McKinley has had some problems lately. It was short, but good.
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
Our mornings have been pretty unstructured since New Years, but again, I'm hoping for the best next week.
3. Stay out of debt
As of now, good. We've been talking about our plans for moving, though - we may have to take out a loan, but we'll stay close to the spirit and make sure it's the right thing to do.
4. Move to a small town
We actually did a lot of homework last week. Started our statistics spreadsheet for the small tows we're looking at and drove to Cache valley and Midway, Heber, Oakley, Morgan, etc.
5. Be on time to church every week
Horray! 10 minutes early today!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Whys and Hows

I am SO excited that everyone is posting. I love you all so much! Thank you for the quote Cindy, because the other aspect of this journey that is so important (at least I feel like it is for me), is to strive for PROGRESS not PERFECTION. If I slip up, I need to feel like I can just pick right back up and not beat myself up about it and get bogged down.
I felt like I needed some extra motivation, so I'm now doing my why/hows for my resolutions. Then I'm going to put my top 5 in really bold print in my bedroom so I can see them every day.
Precursor- sorry this is so long. You do NOT have to read through it all. mostly just for my benefit. Anyway, here are my why/hows:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
WHY? Because I tend to unfairly judge myself and others. I remember sitting in the mothers room during sacrament meeting and listening to a song. I could hear some people off-pitch and one person too loud and all the sudden it hit me - HEIDI -stop focusing on the imperfections and listen to the MESSAGE. So - I need to see (and hear) people as Jesus would to fully appreciate and understand. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see what Jesus sees. Additionally, I want to be able to look at others and see (and hear) what's in people's hearts.
HOW? This is a hard one. It's not easily "trackable," but I feel it's SO important. So, here's my ideas for feeling like I've moved closer to what my Savior sees:
-Pray every day (multiple times a day) to see myself and others and Jesus sees us
-When I look in the mirror or am talking to someone, try to focus on the eyes, not the other imperfections. Try to listen to the spirit and look to their heart and what they are saying.
-Serving myself and others helps me to love them more and see them more as Jesus does.
-Post this goal where I can see it everyday.

2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
WHY? Because the scriptures say that if we serve grudgingly we might as well not serve at all. I want to wake up each day with a cheerful attitude and a strong desire to be as my Savior and serve lovingly, willingly and cheerfully. Jesus was barraged on all sides constantly by sometimes thousands of people wanting to be healed and helped. He always was patient, kind, and loving. He did not turn them away. I often feel barraged by the needs of my home, children, and husband, but I need to take Christ's example and NEVER weary in well-doing.
-Pray each day for a happy, cheerful, willing servant's heart. Pray for me to be able to SEE people's needs and be able to fill them lovingly.
-When I start getting overwhelmed by daily demands, say a prayer, remember Jesus' example, take deep breath, and cheerfully do my best.
-Try to see things from their perspective! Think what I would need or want if I were in their shoes and then DO.
-Random Acts of Kindness - try for at least one a week!

3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
WHY? Sigh... this one has been on my list for at least 5 years. I started popping zits in HS, worsened in college, and now days I can sit and mutilate my face for close to an hour. I HATE this habit. This is the one I'm going to need the most support with people! I hate hurting myself. I hate hurting others. God gave me this wonderful body and my skin is the largest organ I have. I need to take care of it - not destroy it. When I look in the mirror, I want to see clear, smooth, radiant skin, not red, aggrivated, swollen skin. As if I need another reason, it's a time-waster! My time is precious - I shouldn't waste it by hurting myself. Also, I shouldn't hurt those I love. Period.
HOW? I have tried so many different tactics, but I hope these will work, with your support and accountability:
-I am as of this moment BARRED from leaning over ANY bathroom countertops, unless it is washing my face. I can put on make-up in the full-length mirror.
-Wash and moisturize my face EVERY night and EVERY morning. Habit!
-Exfoiliate once a week.
-Put a picture of my face on the mirrors and my wall.

4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or voilence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
WHY? Because I truly believe that when I allow negative influences in my mind and in my home, I allow Satan in as well. I have come to belive that in today's world, I can no longer afford to spend my time reading, listening to, or watching media that is harmless, let alone bad. In this world, I need INSPIRATIONAL things to help me keep the spirit, make righteous choices, and keep my goals. Also, I am warned of this in my patriarchal blessing and am promised great blessings if I am diligent in staying away from negative media. That is the main reason that this is a top 5 goal.
-Buy 3 more inspirational CD albums
-Read 3 LDS books, 4 inspirational novels, and 3 self-help books
-When we decide on a movie to watch, make it inspirational! Don't allow swearing, sex, or violence to come into my mind or my home.
-When driving in the car, turn on inspirational or classic music.

5. To pray and study my scriptures every day.
WHY? Because when I am consistent with this, I feel the spirit more every day, I am tempted less, and it's like have really great shocks - the everyday "jolts" of life seem to not affect me as much. I am generally happier and am able to keep more of an eternal vision.
-Post a BIG reminder that I can't miss every day.
-Make it a routine. I should not feel comfortable going to sleep at night unless I have prayed and read scriptures.
-Putting the kingdom of God FIRST in my life - wake up, drop to my knees and pray, study the New Testament before the day starts each day.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
WHY? Most of the same reasons as A5, but in addition, I feel closer to Jason, humble, and feel privelidged to be able to serve the dead.
-The first Sunday of each month in our planning session, plan a day to go. Call the Warrens & see if that switch will work for them. Follow through!
-Say a sincere prayer of faith before we go.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
WHY? I have a testimony of tithing. We have NEVER been forsaken financially and I know it's mostly because we have been faithful in our tithing. The prophets have been telling us to get out of debt forever. They forsaw this financial crisis. We are SO blessed to be out of debt. We need to stay that way.
-Every time we get paid, pay tithing and a generous fast offering each month.
-Do not make choices that will lead to debt.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
WHY? Ever since I started blogging back in May I have been a MAJOR journal slacker. I think blogging is fun, but it isn't nearly as therapeautic as my journal where I can write ventings, learned lessons, intrspective musings, and spiritual insights.
-Make TUESDAYS my JOURNAL DAY. Write in my journal in the morning, naptime or evening. Make MONDAYS my BLOG DAY so I can have a day set aside for that & it doesn't take away from my journal-writing.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", & 1 girls get-away.
WHY? This is kind of another sanity thing, but it really does help me emotionally, physically, everything to get away. It also is truly beneficial to our marriage.
-In our yearly planning, tenatively plan these trips ahead of time & make them happen.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
WHY? The humility and strength of the spirit is most strong when I fast for longer periods of time. I truly feel my Savior's help more in my trials and temptations as well when I truly make it a sincere matter of fasting and prayer. There is SO MUCH power there.
HOW? Reminder on my calendar to start fasting the night before. And be thinking about the purpose of my fast and prayer beforehand. Be dedicated and steadfast.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
WHY? This came from Pres. Erying's talk. If he can do it, so can I. It helps me realize HOW MUCH God has contributed to my day - EVERY day. His miracles are EVERYwhere if I just open my eyes to see.
-Reminders. Again, I should not feel comfortable letting my head hit the pillow until at least one thing is written down. Every Day. Including weekends.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
WHY? We have felt strongly about this. Hard times are here & they will keep coming. We don't know what will happen with Jason's job. We need to be prepared - especially for our kids.
HOW? Use Jason's bonus and get to the emergency supply place. Take the truck and buy what we need.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
WHY? What if someone I loved dearly died tomorrow? Would I be sad because I did appreciate them enough. Did not love them enough? I want them to KNOW that I love them. No doubt in their minds.
-e-mail dad 3x/week
-e-mail Joseph
-Have at least 30 minutes of mommy & McKinley/Ireland time each day.
-Serve my loved ones cheerfully.
9.On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
WHY? Because I spend WAYYY too much time on the computer instead of doing important things, like being with my kids, serving others, and cleaning my home. It's a horrible thing to waste the time my God has given me with meaningless things.
-Chart to track
-MONDAYS-blog. WEDNESDAYS-journal. Every day- 15 minutes of finances.
-ONLY work on the computer before the kids wake up, during naptime, or after they go to bed. They should not feel like the computer is more important than them.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
WHY? Because I am happier when I am healthier and I am keeping a commandment.
-Fruits and Veggies at each meal. (see meal planning)
-Exercise (Plan A - in morning, Plan B - in evening)
-Start getting ready for bed at 9PM! YES 9PM! Do my night-time routine and prepare for the next day.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
WHY? Because that's not the way the Savior would talk. I'm sure I unintentionally hurt people's feelings and am insensitive. Sarcasm is the opposite of humility
HOW? Pray for help with this. Someone catch me if I'm being sarcastic.
2. Meal plan for each week.
WHY? I have the important, sacred role of homemaker. It is MY duty to make sure that my family is fed properly and heathfully. I should joy in this role and take it more responsibly. We shouldn't have to search through cupboards to find something to eat.
-WEDNESDAYS (or Thurs mornings) - sit down, look at budget, plan meals & snacks, make shopping list.
-After shopping, immediately cut up fruits & veggies & keep them at an eye-level fridge shelf.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
WHY? Because that's what I've covenented to do. The gospel makes me happy and fulfilled. Don't I want that for everyone?
HOW? Treat everyone with love, be an example, and share my testimony in every way possible.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
WHY? It's an important part of my earthly mission (per my P.B.). It strenthens my testimony and those of others when I share it.
HOW? LISTEN to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and then humbly OBEY without worrying about what anyone else will think.
5. Plant a garden.
WHY? The prophets have told us to. Another factor of emergency preparedness. Also, I think it will be good for me to learn something new. And it will be fun for the girls to see things grow.
-When it gets closer to springtime, make a list of things for the garden. Go buy them and then go to work.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
WHY? Again, it's what the prophets have told us to do. If the girls see the pictures in their rooms, I belive they will feel closer to them and hopefully it will help us all to keep a more eternal vision.
-Plan a FHE this month to go get the pictures and then pick a good place to put them up and talk to the girls about each of the pictures.
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
WHY? When I was REALLY good about keeping up with FlyLady, I felt more at peace and I know my girls did, too. Not perfection, but progress and keeping to a routine that will help everything go smoothly.
-Reminders. Keep an eye on my routines and try to keep them. Make sure to have my "Home blessing hour" each week and encourage the kids to pick up their own messes.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
WHY? Hopefully, they will love to look at them and remember the fun times and it's a great way to organize everything. I hope they will always love their books.
-FRIDAYS - spend 1 hour digitally scrapbooking pictures from the previous week. Keep a folder of favorite pics from each child.
-A month before each birthday, start putting the book together so it's ready for their birthdays.
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
WHY? I've gotten behind and I need to get them all onto gold archival discs.
-FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS - spend an hour working on transferring.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
WHY? Because we need that time to re-connect, re-ignite our passion, and just enjoy each other.
-In monthly planning, plan 3x that month.
11. Take more videos!
WHY? I'm really good at taking pictures, but I'm not good at videos and that's really the only way to really hear their little voices and see what they were like.
HOW? Have the camcorder ready, and take videos!

*Pray (especially to see myself and others as Jesus sees, to see chances to serve and to do so cheerfully and willingly, to stop being sarcastic and to have help with goals)
*Read Scriptures
*Wash my face every morning
*Keep my home clean - FLYLADY reminders
*Serve healthful meals and snacks
*Only 1 hour of computer time!
*show others that I love them & serve them
*Make WISE Media choices
*Wash my face every night
*Write down at least one Love Note from God
*Bed by 10pm

*SUNDAYS: Planning, church on time!, Post update on this blog!
*MONDAYS: blog day, Home Blessing Hour, Family Home Evening
*TUESDAYS: journal day
*WEDNESDAYS: help Cindy, plan meals & snacks & grocery list
*THURSDAYS: Errands - grocery shopping, library, etc
*FRIDAYS: videos, scrapbooking, DVD transferring
*SATURDAYS: Date night!

*Fast & Pray for 24 hours
*Pay tithing & generous fast offering
*Bear my testimony if moved by the spirit
*Go to the temple
*Monthly Newsletter and slideshow
*Fulfill VT calling (make calls & go)

*Food storage up to par
*Plant a garden
*Put up picture of temple, prophet and Jesus in each room
*Birthday Books for girls
*Vacations: 3 family, 1 anniversary, 1 lovers, 1 girls-only!