Thursday, January 1, 2009

President Hinkley's advice for us (I read this last night and thought it was extremely appropriate)...
"I feel to invite every woman everywhere to rise to the great potential within you. I do not ask that you reach far beyond your capacity. I hope you will not nag yourselves with thoughts of failure. I hope you will not try to set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve. I hope you will simply do what you can do in the best way you know. If you do so, you will witness miracles come to pass."

Another thing, what do you think of this poem I have to analyze for my new english class?

New Year's

Let other mornings honor the miraculous.
Eternity has festivals enough.
This is the feast of our mortality,
The most mundane and human holiday.

On other days we misinterpret time,
Pretending that we live in the present moment.
But can this blur, this smudgy in-between,
This tiny fissure where the future drips

Into the past, this fly-speck we call now
Be our true habitat? The present is
The leaky palm of water that we skim
From the swift silent fiver slipping by.

The new year always brings us what we want
Simply by bringing us along-to see
A calendar with every day uncrossed,
A field of snow without a single footprint.

-Dana Gioia


  1. That was an awesome quote Cindy although I thought the poem was a little depressing. Every year I wonder what the heck I did the previous year. Hopefully in 2010 I'll look back on this year and feel super about it. Thanks for posting Cindy. I thought your goals were well thought out. I love you!

  2. Great quote Cindy. It was also fun to analyze the poem together.

  3. I love the thought of a calendar without a bad days yet, only possibilities. Just remember time is a mortality thing, There will be no time in Eternity.
