Monday, January 26, 2009


So, I'm a day late in posting, oh well. I am trying to post on Sunday, but it just didn't happen yesterday. I took mom's idea and printed a checklist. I started marking it today. Soooo, last week....hmmmm. I finished a HUGE batch of laundry, I was finally caught up on Saturday night. I've done well the last couple of days keeping the laundry getting through the washer and dryer...I need to fold more though.

I did well getting to bed by 11 last week and getting the kids (all except Joshua) to bed by 9:30PM. Joshua...the problem with getting him to bed at a decent time is that I have to plan ahead for his naps. He usually has to be taking his last nap by 2:00 PM at the latest, but lately his first nap hasn't been until about 12:30 PM or 1:00 PM which puts his second nap at around 4:30 PM. So I need to plan ahead and make sure he is awake by 7:30 AM so he'll be tired by 11:30 AM so his nap schedule will be better, so his night time schedule will be better. It's like dominos if one falls, they all fall. I hope I can do better with that this week. It's so good to see that the other kids are adjusting though!! I tried to go to bed by 11 tonight but I had trouble sleeping so I decided to finally sit down and write.

So, getting up by 6:30-7:00, didn't do so hot on this again! Didn't do so hot on the scripture study either. The getting up thing is because of Joshua's naps I think. The scripture thing is because I'm not putting it first in the day. So I hope to do better with those this week.

I think I exercised three times last week, my goal is for four times. So, almost there. Not doing well with the glasses of water, fruit and veggie portions, salad once a day things. I guess the rest of my goals are basically no-go's too. But I'm trying to concentrate on a few at a time. Like I said, this week I want to focus on getting up by 6:30-7:00 again...and the backup goal of scheduling Joshua's naps so that can happen. So I've basically been rambling this whole post. I'll stop now. I like how Heidi organized her post, I'll try that next week...


  1. Okay, my poem juices flowed
    When I read bout Cindy Lou
    I saw her get to bed at night before the hour two!

    Alas, the clock rang way too soon
    For Cindy to get up
    Naughty clock, go back to sleep beside the tiny pup

    The scriptures are another thing
    They wait their turn for light
    They’re happy to be looked at morning or at night

    Her heart shouts a big THANKS!
    When her legs begin to pump
    What a gift she’s given to her body and her rump!!

    Now my juices have run out.
    I’ll bet you’re glad today
    Way to go, dear Cindy Lou, keep it up I say!

    Cindy, thanks for listening to me today.

  2. Mom - wow. That was a work of art :)
    as far as Johsua - do you think you could get him to just take 1 nap a day? Ireland has for a while now and she seems OK. It saves me sanity not having to deal w/ 2 naps a day.
    GOOD JOB on you getting to bed on time. I need to do better this week.
    And GREAT JOB on exercising! My goal is 4x/week, too, so let's see who makes it next week (hey, a little friendly competition never hurt anyone, right?)

  3. Your doing great. I agree with Heidi about the 1 nap idea. You might have a grumpy kid for a couple of nights but if your consistent through the change then he'll learn that things are going to be different and he might sleep through the night better.
