Sunday, January 18, 2009

YOU GUYS ROCK!! And Heidi's week #3 progress

Can I say - I just LOVE YOU GUYS! You are all so incredible and I am truly blessed to know you. I love to read your inspirational thoughts, your progress, and even your struggles (because it helps to remind me that I'm not the only one who falls sometimes).
THANK YOU for contributing and giving the support and encouragement we all, as women, need.
My last week seems like a blur to me. I was sick on Monday and Tuesday and then we took off on Friday and headed down South, looking at small towns on the way, visiting friends and staying with family. It was a nice trip - and it highlights my failure to adhere to my goals when my schedule is off. That is something I need to work on. I should remember and work toward my goals even if it's a weekend, a vacation, or a day that ends in "y". (that was a joke)
Anyway, below is my progress.
HIGHLIGHTS: Day #18 of no attacking my face! Hooray!, journal-writing, feel better about seeing myself and others through Jesus' eyes.
LOWLIGHTS: Eating, exercising, love notes, serving, appreciating my loved ones more

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
Again, on our trip I haven't been as diligent about praying, being humble, and seeing myself and others through Jesus' eyes. However, overall, I have felt better about this goal and it helps me in all my other goals and in everything I do during the day. It REALLY helps me feel the spirit!
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
Not as good last week. I only watched Cindy's kids for a little while and didn't really put the effort into really staying in a cheerful, giving, LOVE-TO-SERVE attitude.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
Like I said - 18 days - hooray!! I am still not perfect, but my face isn't either. If I can feel or see a zit standing away from the mirror, I don't feel terrible in getting it because if it's that big, it should be taken care of, but I need to do better about washing my face at night, exfoliating, and using a mask.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or violence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
I felt good about this. I read the Duggar Family book this week and really felt the spirit as they talked about rearing their super-sized family to trust and love God and become more Christlike. It gave me great ideas that I'm very eager to incorporate in my own family. So, I'm categorizing this as a Self-Help book. 1 down! as far as other media goes, we were at Jason's brothers house and you, me & Dupree came on TV. I had seen it before & knew there were inappropriate parts, but I figured the TV would edit them out. not so. it truly drove away the spirit. Especially with kids nearby. Shame on me! I should've suggested a different movie or at least gone into a different room and taken the kids with me.
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
I was probably only 4 for 7 this week. Not good. I WILL do better next week. I DO notice a difference when I do this! I need to be consistent - even when we're somewhere else.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
We have planned for the 24th (this weekend!)to do our temple switch with the Warrens.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
We paid a good fast offering this month. no income, so no tithing.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
I did write in my journal this week and it felt so good because lately it's been all about venting, but this week I did a complete gratitude post and it was GREAT to see all my blessings.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", and 1 "girls only" getaway!
We have a schedule for our "girls only" getaway to Phoenix! Hooray! I really hope it all works out.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
I KNOW my fasting has helped me do better with my goals this month. Truly, it has strengthened me.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
Yuck. Only 3 for 7 this week. Not good. I'll do better next week - I know I have been blessed! I just need to write them down!
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
Jason got some cash for our 72 hour kits. They still need clothes, but we are almost there!
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
Not as good. I need to do better at LOVING my loved ones.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
I don't know why I have been so bad with this one. THIS WEEK I'm going to actually try and keep track. I keep starting and then give up. I need to do better.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
Bed by 10: I actually did pretty good on this this week - even on the weekends. It made a WORLD of difference. I actually woke up fully awake at 6:30 a couple times this week.
Eating: yuck. blah. gross. Not the whole week, but this weekend was awwwwful with driving snacks and eating out.
Exercise. Only twice. Yes. Blah again.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
I need to do better.
2. Meal plan for each week.
I did really pretty good this past week. We did eat out the past couple of days while we've been out of town, but I did prepare a couple pretty good meals this past week.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Yes, mom, my blog does help to share the gospel, but I need to do better about reaching out.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
I bore my testimony at church this month
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
I'd REALLY like to do this tomorrow for FHE
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
I would say OK. It's getting better generally every week. I even did my home blessing hour this week!
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
I'm so far behind on memory stuff. Hopefully I can work an hour or so every night on catching up.
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
I did move the firewire over and am working on a 2008 DVD. I did burn one, but I need to finish.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
Jeff actually got a baby-sitter and we went out on Saturday with the Hamiltons and their friends, the Goobs (or something like that). We went to Cafe Rio and the ice cream place.

1. FHE once a week
YES - we did! 3 for 3 this month!
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
We were probably 4 for 7 this week. OK - can do better!
3. Stay out of debt
Right now, we're good. I need to finish the finances!
4. Move to a small town
We drove down South through some small town this weekend. I still like it over in Wasatch or Morgan County better, but we'll see. And pray. And fast.
5. Be on time to church every week.
Sigh...Jeff's church was @ 1pm. We COULD have gone, but we really wanted to get on the road and home before dark, so we didn't go.


  1. Heidi,
    Great accounting!
    Cindy and I went walking tonight with grandpa watched the kids. We talked about our goals and how much you have helped make this year more exciting.
    We called and took you along with us which was fun (does that mean you get credit for exercising too?_ Anyway, since we all love you so much and would miss you so badly maybe we will all follow you to your new towm. What do you think?????
    I'm enen doing better with fresh fruit just because of your example!
    Love, mom/sis

  2. You ROCK Heidi! That's all I gots to say.
