Sunday, January 4, 2009

Heidi's weekly update

Hello everyone!
Overall, I'm feeling pretty good about my goals. I have to keep telling myself, though - progress, not perfection. Since next week is the first full week of 2009, I think it will get better as we all get back into our routines and put Christmas away until next year.
Here are my updates:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
I'm feeling progress on this. Obviously I have a long way to go, but I really felt the spirit today and it helped in this goal.
2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
I did watch my neighbor's little girl this week while she went to a lunch, so that felt good to serve, but I need to definitely do better.
3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
Hooray! I'm on my 4th day of no popping. I know that sounds silly, but it is progress and I think this is helping. I think it's good to step back from the mirror and see myself in the big picture instead of getting nitty gritty and focusing on all my imperfections. My face feels smoother, clearer and healthier right now.
4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or voilence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
I feel OK about this. I was thankful that we made the choice to watch Prince Caspian on Friday night instead of another movie that might have offended the spirit. Prince Caspian brought the spirit and was inspirational.
5. To pray and read my scriptures every day.
Horray! Another 4 for 4! Althought, I wasn't sure it was going to happen a few nights. I was thankful I did do it.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
I hope to sit down w/ Jason and schedule a temple time for this month today.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
We paid a good fast offering today.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
Hope to do this next week.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away"
Hope to schedule these w/ Jason today.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
I was a bit off, I have to admit. I meant to start at 5, but I totally forgot & stopped eating at like 7:30 instead. Hope to do better next month.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
4 for 4! Although, I have to admit I cheated a bit and wrote the next morning instead of that night. I truly am blessed and it's neat to see it on paper.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
Hope to schedule a time today to go to the new Emergency Essentials store this week.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
Sigh... I still have a ways to go on this one. I need to be kinder, gentler, more loving and serving.
9. On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
I wasn't so good with this one primarily in writing down my goals, but next week I should be on top of it.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
Clarification on bed by 10: Not on weekends. I hope to be in bed by midnight on weekends. But I was good on the weekdays. I need to work on eating more fruits & veggies. I only exercised twice last week. and not for as long as I wanted to, so I need to work on that.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
Again, progress but not perfection. I need to especially do better w/ Jason.
2. Meal plan for each week.
Blah. Bad. Next week will be better.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
Our Relief Society lesson was on this today. I hope to find someone to share the gospel with and be a good example!
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
I was thankful to bear my testimony today in church.
5. Plant a garden.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
In the next couple weeks...
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
BAD. So bad. We have boxes from Christmas and all kinds of things all over the house. I would be horrified if someone came over right now. I'm planning a huge clean-up tomorrow and hope to keep it clean.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
Do some scrapbooking next week
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
next week...
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
Mom or Cindy - will be calling for this weekend :)

1. FHE once a week
We did have a FHE on honesty this week since McKinley has had some problems lately. It was short, but good.
2. Scriptures/conference/inspirational songs during breakfast
Our mornings have been pretty unstructured since New Years, but again, I'm hoping for the best next week.
3. Stay out of debt
As of now, good. We've been talking about our plans for moving, though - we may have to take out a loan, but we'll stay close to the spirit and make sure it's the right thing to do.
4. Move to a small town
We actually did a lot of homework last week. Started our statistics spreadsheet for the small tows we're looking at and drove to Cache valley and Midway, Heber, Oakley, Morgan, etc.
5. Be on time to church every week
Horray! 10 minutes early today!

1 comment:

  1. I want you to know I really liked living in Cache Valley but I loved living in Oakley. It was the best childhood ever (the schools are awesome there too, well at least they use to be.)
