Sunday, January 18, 2009

Little by little...

I love mom's checklist, I love Heidi's water idea, I love Trisha's thoughts. I only read the latest posts though. Thanks everyone for your ideas!

Some of the plates I’ve been attempting to spin have crashed. Namely me getting to bed on time, an attempt to eat less sugar, attending a heart to heart meeting, getting up between 6:30 and 7:00, exercising and keeping my house clean. And these are only a few of the crashed plates.

The plates that have been spinning fairly well are the plates of getting the kids to bed on time and reading my scriptures every day. Some days I’ve done better than others. I wish I could spend three hours a day on this blog, but I don’t think I have the time. I am going to spend at least an hour on Sundays though. So, you can start all over at any time right?? This week I am shooting for continuing on the “kids to bed” goal and “reading scriptures” goal. I will try to add the “get up between 6:30 and 7:00” goal, “drinking three cups of water before eating anything with sugar” goal and the “get to bed by 11:00” goal. Mom, I know you won’t mind if I officially adopt your water before sweets goal.

So there’s my report. At least I’ve made SOME progress. I am grateful to God and I am grateful to myself for the progress I have made. I pray that I can continue to keep the plates spinning that I’ve started and maybe add a few more to them. And maybe, just maybe I can take those spinning plates down and put them in a stack of completed habits sometime in the next six months or so. I know they say that it takes only 21 days to create a habit, but I don’t think that will be enough for me. I think if I say I’m done after 21 days I will just relax and get back into the bad habits.


  1. Cindy, I love the picture!
    The plates that crashed didn't break!! That's the exciting part. You made them with prayer so as long as you don't give up, God won't either!

    The gratitude plate is one of the most beautiful! Way to go.
    Love, mom/sis

  2. I agree with Mom! Thanks for posting Cindy-things are achieved little by little. You can do it! Just don't give up!

  3. GRRREAT JOB Cindy! Really. How is it going with Joshua at night?
    I hope getting the kids to bed on time has in effect given you more "me time" and overall sanity. I know it does for me. That is AWESOME THAT YOU'RE DOING A GREAT JOB!!! And I'm sure your kids will be happier in the long run with consistency.
    I know all about the crashing plates, but I agree with mom - they are not broken and so don't give up.

  4. I really like the spinning plates analogy! Great progress Cindy!

    Love you!

