Sunday, January 11, 2009

Humility vs. Pride

Humility vs. Pride in accomplishing goals…
I often feel prideful when I accomplish a goal and feeling this way makes me feel sad. I know it’s okay and even good to feel great when I do what I want to, but pride is something I absolutely must kick out of my heart and out of my life. Here is an affirmation of sorts my therapist helped me develop that I love…

I feel grateful to God and to myself when I take small steps toward who I am really meant to be.

I also want to remember and repeat this scripture whenever I feel myself beginning to be prideful…
“Yea, I know that I am nothing. As to my strength I am weak. Nevertheless, I will boast of my God for in His strength I can do all things.”

Any thoughts or suggestions on this one guys??


  1. We all need to hear this, Cindy, and we all struggle with pride. I know I do. Sometimes I just have to tell myself that instead of being prideful about something, I need to remember that God giveth and God taketh away, and I just need to be humbly grateful for my blessing. I know when I get prideful about it, He often does take it away - at least partially - and I then I need to stop and humble myself again.

  2. I lost all my pride at work. It was hard to sit down and go over my performance reviews. I know that in Christ I am everything. I cannot do it apart from God, and He will not do it without me.

  3. Wow, all you gals are so freakin' wise. Hey, maybe we can publish a book at the end of the year with all our stuff!!! Just kidding... but seriously, I love reading this stuff!

  4. Hi Cindy,
    If someone were to ask me to point out a prideful-person, I think you would be among the last.
    I loved your therapists suggestion "...steps (not giant leaps)...toward (moving to the light) who I am really meant to be.
    I am reminded of Paula Graves in West Jordan. She is an artist who often worked on clay. The statue was in the clay, she just removed the extra. I believe that as we allow God to help us do that we truly will love ourselves more. If we get caught up in beating ourselves up due to labeling (I am a prideful person) vs. clearing away debris (This is a peice that doesn't fit. I will ask God to remove it for me) we will find the greater joy we are meant to feel. Love, mom/sis
