Friday, January 2, 2009

Whys and Hows

I am SO excited that everyone is posting. I love you all so much! Thank you for the quote Cindy, because the other aspect of this journey that is so important (at least I feel like it is for me), is to strive for PROGRESS not PERFECTION. If I slip up, I need to feel like I can just pick right back up and not beat myself up about it and get bogged down.
I felt like I needed some extra motivation, so I'm now doing my why/hows for my resolutions. Then I'm going to put my top 5 in really bold print in my bedroom so I can see them every day.
Precursor- sorry this is so long. You do NOT have to read through it all. mostly just for my benefit. Anyway, here are my why/hows:

1. To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
WHY? Because I tend to unfairly judge myself and others. I remember sitting in the mothers room during sacrament meeting and listening to a song. I could hear some people off-pitch and one person too loud and all the sudden it hit me - HEIDI -stop focusing on the imperfections and listen to the MESSAGE. So - I need to see (and hear) people as Jesus would to fully appreciate and understand. I want to be able to look in the mirror and see what Jesus sees. Additionally, I want to be able to look at others and see (and hear) what's in people's hearts.
HOW? This is a hard one. It's not easily "trackable," but I feel it's SO important. So, here's my ideas for feeling like I've moved closer to what my Savior sees:
-Pray every day (multiple times a day) to see myself and others and Jesus sees us
-When I look in the mirror or am talking to someone, try to focus on the eyes, not the other imperfections. Try to listen to the spirit and look to their heart and what they are saying.
-Serving myself and others helps me to love them more and see them more as Jesus does.
-Post this goal where I can see it everyday.

2. To serve others more often and more cheerfully.
WHY? Because the scriptures say that if we serve grudgingly we might as well not serve at all. I want to wake up each day with a cheerful attitude and a strong desire to be as my Savior and serve lovingly, willingly and cheerfully. Jesus was barraged on all sides constantly by sometimes thousands of people wanting to be healed and helped. He always was patient, kind, and loving. He did not turn them away. I often feel barraged by the needs of my home, children, and husband, but I need to take Christ's example and NEVER weary in well-doing.
-Pray each day for a happy, cheerful, willing servant's heart. Pray for me to be able to SEE people's needs and be able to fill them lovingly.
-When I start getting overwhelmed by daily demands, say a prayer, remember Jesus' example, take deep breath, and cheerfully do my best.
-Try to see things from their perspective! Think what I would need or want if I were in their shoes and then DO.
-Random Acts of Kindness - try for at least one a week!

3. STOP attacking my face, arms, and legs by popping zits.
WHY? Sigh... this one has been on my list for at least 5 years. I started popping zits in HS, worsened in college, and now days I can sit and mutilate my face for close to an hour. I HATE this habit. This is the one I'm going to need the most support with people! I hate hurting myself. I hate hurting others. God gave me this wonderful body and my skin is the largest organ I have. I need to take care of it - not destroy it. When I look in the mirror, I want to see clear, smooth, radiant skin, not red, aggrivated, swollen skin. As if I need another reason, it's a time-waster! My time is precious - I shouldn't waste it by hurting myself. Also, I shouldn't hurt those I love. Period.
HOW? I have tried so many different tactics, but I hope these will work, with your support and accountability:
-I am as of this moment BARRED from leaning over ANY bathroom countertops, unless it is washing my face. I can put on make-up in the full-length mirror.
-Wash and moisturize my face EVERY night and EVERY morning. Habit!
-Exfoiliate once a week.
-Put a picture of my face on the mirrors and my wall.

4. Media: Avoid media with swearing, sex, or voilence. Use my precious time to SEEK OUT wholesome music, inspirational books, TV, and movies.
WHY? Because I truly believe that when I allow negative influences in my mind and in my home, I allow Satan in as well. I have come to belive that in today's world, I can no longer afford to spend my time reading, listening to, or watching media that is harmless, let alone bad. In this world, I need INSPIRATIONAL things to help me keep the spirit, make righteous choices, and keep my goals. Also, I am warned of this in my patriarchal blessing and am promised great blessings if I am diligent in staying away from negative media. That is the main reason that this is a top 5 goal.
-Buy 3 more inspirational CD albums
-Read 3 LDS books, 4 inspirational novels, and 3 self-help books
-When we decide on a movie to watch, make it inspirational! Don't allow swearing, sex, or violence to come into my mind or my home.
-When driving in the car, turn on inspirational or classic music.

5. To pray and study my scriptures every day.
WHY? Because when I am consistent with this, I feel the spirit more every day, I am tempted less, and it's like have really great shocks - the everyday "jolts" of life seem to not affect me as much. I am generally happier and am able to keep more of an eternal vision.
-Post a BIG reminder that I can't miss every day.
-Make it a routine. I should not feel comfortable going to sleep at night unless I have prayed and read scriptures.
-Putting the kingdom of God FIRST in my life - wake up, drop to my knees and pray, study the New Testament before the day starts each day.

"B" GOALS (important, but not top 5):
1. Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times.
WHY? Most of the same reasons as A5, but in addition, I feel closer to Jason, humble, and feel privelidged to be able to serve the dead.
-The first Sunday of each month in our planning session, plan a day to go. Call the Warrens & see if that switch will work for them. Follow through!
-Say a sincere prayer of faith before we go.
2. Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month.
WHY? I have a testimony of tithing. We have NEVER been forsaken financially and I know it's mostly because we have been faithful in our tithing. The prophets have been telling us to get out of debt forever. They forsaw this financial crisis. We are SO blessed to be out of debt. We need to stay that way.
-Every time we get paid, pay tithing and a generous fast offering each month.
-Do not make choices that will lead to debt.
3. Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
WHY? Ever since I started blogging back in May I have been a MAJOR journal slacker. I think blogging is fun, but it isn't nearly as therapeautic as my journal where I can write ventings, learned lessons, intrspective musings, and spiritual insights.
-Make TUESDAYS my JOURNAL DAY. Write in my journal in the morning, naptime or evening. Make MONDAYS my BLOG DAY so I can have a day set aside for that & it doesn't take away from my journal-writing.
4. 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away", & 1 girls get-away.
WHY? This is kind of another sanity thing, but it really does help me emotionally, physically, everything to get away. It also is truly beneficial to our marriage.
-In our yearly planning, tenatively plan these trips ahead of time & make them happen.
5.When fasting, start the night before (5pm Sat-5pm Sun)
WHY? The humility and strength of the spirit is most strong when I fast for longer periods of time. I truly feel my Savior's help more in my trials and temptations as well when I truly make it a sincere matter of fasting and prayer. There is SO MUCH power there.
HOW? Reminder on my calendar to start fasting the night before. And be thinking about the purpose of my fast and prayer beforehand. Be dedicated and steadfast.
6.Write at least one "love note" from God every night.
WHY? This came from Pres. Erying's talk. If he can do it, so can I. It helps me realize HOW MUCH God has contributed to my day - EVERY day. His miracles are EVERYwhere if I just open my eyes to see.
-Reminders. Again, I should not feel comfortable letting my head hit the pillow until at least one thing is written down. Every Day. Including weekends.
7. Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
WHY? We have felt strongly about this. Hard times are here & they will keep coming. We don't know what will happen with Jason's job. We need to be prepared - especially for our kids.
HOW? Use Jason's bonus and get to the emergency supply place. Take the truck and buy what we need.
8. Appreciate my loved ones more.
WHY? What if someone I loved dearly died tomorrow? Would I be sad because I did appreciate them enough. Did not love them enough? I want them to KNOW that I love them. No doubt in their minds.
-e-mail dad 3x/week
-e-mail Joseph
-Have at least 30 minutes of mommy & McKinley/Ireland time each day.
-Serve my loved ones cheerfully.
9.On the computer no more than 1 hr a day (except newsletter/slideshow days)
WHY? Because I spend WAYYY too much time on the computer instead of doing important things, like being with my kids, serving others, and cleaning my home. It's a horrible thing to waste the time my God has given me with meaningless things.
-Chart to track
-MONDAYS-blog. WEDNESDAYS-journal. Every day- 15 minutes of finances.
-ONLY work on the computer before the kids wake up, during naptime, or after they go to bed. They should not feel like the computer is more important than them.
10. Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week.
WHY? Because I am happier when I am healthier and I am keeping a commandment.
-Fruits and Veggies at each meal. (see meal planning)
-Exercise (Plan A - in morning, Plan B - in evening)
-Start getting ready for bed at 9PM! YES 9PM! Do my night-time routine and prepare for the next day.

"C" GOALS (work on these, but not at the expense of A or B)
1. Stop being so sarcastic.
WHY? Because that's not the way the Savior would talk. I'm sure I unintentionally hurt people's feelings and am insensitive. Sarcasm is the opposite of humility
HOW? Pray for help with this. Someone catch me if I'm being sarcastic.
2. Meal plan for each week.
WHY? I have the important, sacred role of homemaker. It is MY duty to make sure that my family is fed properly and heathfully. I should joy in this role and take it more responsibly. We shouldn't have to search through cupboards to find something to eat.
-WEDNESDAYS (or Thurs mornings) - sit down, look at budget, plan meals & snacks, make shopping list.
-After shopping, immediately cut up fruits & veggies & keep them at an eye-level fridge shelf.
3. Look for opportunities to share the gospel.
WHY? Because that's what I've covenented to do. The gospel makes me happy and fulfilled. Don't I want that for everyone?
HOW? Treat everyone with love, be an example, and share my testimony in every way possible.
4. Bear my testimony 6 times.
WHY? It's an important part of my earthly mission (per my P.B.). It strenthens my testimony and those of others when I share it.
HOW? LISTEN to the promptings of the Holy Ghost and then humbly OBEY without worrying about what anyone else will think.
5. Plant a garden.
WHY? The prophets have told us to. Another factor of emergency preparedness. Also, I think it will be good for me to learn something new. And it will be fun for the girls to see things grow.
-When it gets closer to springtime, make a list of things for the garden. Go buy them and then go to work.
6. Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms.
WHY? Again, it's what the prophets have told us to do. If the girls see the pictures in their rooms, I belive they will feel closer to them and hopefully it will help us all to keep a more eternal vision.
-Plan a FHE this month to go get the pictures and then pick a good place to put them up and talk to the girls about each of the pictures.
7. Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
WHY? When I was REALLY good about keeping up with FlyLady, I felt more at peace and I know my girls did, too. Not perfection, but progress and keeping to a routine that will help everything go smoothly.
-Reminders. Keep an eye on my routines and try to keep them. Make sure to have my "Home blessing hour" each week and encourage the kids to pick up their own messes.
8. Make Birthday Books for the girls
WHY? Hopefully, they will love to look at them and remember the fun times and it's a great way to organize everything. I hope they will always love their books.
-FRIDAYS - spend 1 hour digitally scrapbooking pictures from the previous week. Keep a folder of favorite pics from each child.
-A month before each birthday, start putting the book together so it's ready for their birthdays.
9. Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
WHY? I've gotten behind and I need to get them all onto gold archival discs.
-FRIDAYS & SUNDAYS - spend an hour working on transferring.
10. Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
WHY? Because we need that time to re-connect, re-ignite our passion, and just enjoy each other.
-In monthly planning, plan 3x that month.
11. Take more videos!
WHY? I'm really good at taking pictures, but I'm not good at videos and that's really the only way to really hear their little voices and see what they were like.
HOW? Have the camcorder ready, and take videos!

*Pray (especially to see myself and others as Jesus sees, to see chances to serve and to do so cheerfully and willingly, to stop being sarcastic and to have help with goals)
*Read Scriptures
*Wash my face every morning
*Keep my home clean - FLYLADY reminders
*Serve healthful meals and snacks
*Only 1 hour of computer time!
*show others that I love them & serve them
*Make WISE Media choices
*Wash my face every night
*Write down at least one Love Note from God
*Bed by 10pm

*SUNDAYS: Planning, church on time!, Post update on this blog!
*MONDAYS: blog day, Home Blessing Hour, Family Home Evening
*TUESDAYS: journal day
*WEDNESDAYS: help Cindy, plan meals & snacks & grocery list
*THURSDAYS: Errands - grocery shopping, library, etc
*FRIDAYS: videos, scrapbooking, DVD transferring
*SATURDAYS: Date night!

*Fast & Pray for 24 hours
*Pay tithing & generous fast offering
*Bear my testimony if moved by the spirit
*Go to the temple
*Monthly Newsletter and slideshow
*Fulfill VT calling (make calls & go)

*Food storage up to par
*Plant a garden
*Put up picture of temple, prophet and Jesus in each room
*Birthday Books for girls
*Vacations: 3 family, 1 anniversary, 1 lovers, 1 girls-only!

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