Sunday, January 11, 2009

My plan of action...

So, I'm sorry I haven't posted my progress, what with being up a lot with Tiarra's bladder infection problem, Michael's growing pains, Kalli's emotional preteen drama and my homework I have had a hard week. Not to mention my cell phone breaking, an MRI for Kalli, a couple of tests at Primary Children's Hospital for Tiarra, doctor's appointments, Kalli's birthday, Kalli's birthday sleepover...need I go on. ANYWAY, I do not wish to procrastinate or give excuses, but we are sopose to be gentle with ourselves right. And we can start again any time we wish, so here goes....


Two things keep getting in the way of my achieving these goals. One of them is the kids’ bedtime and the other is Joshua sleeping through the night. I can’t exercise very well or have quiet time or have a good personal study with them awake. When the kids are in bed on time, like last night, often the girls in particular won’t actually fall asleep until 11:00 or 12:00. I put them in bed by 9:00 and I let them read, hoping they would fall asleep while doing so, until 10:30. On second thought I think I need to say lights out by 9:30 or 10:00. Anyway, after I said lights out I got complaints of nausea, tummy aches and headaches. I gave heated rice packs and Maalox for tummies and ice packs for heads. More tummy ache complaints and then insomnia complaints from the girls…I felt so exasperated and frustrated, I had done my job in getting them into their beds by 9:00, but still they would not sleep. I think if I keep getting them to bed by 9:00 for one week, they all sleep in the same spot, and I get them up by 6:30 or 7:00 then maybe their bodies will adjust. At least that’s what I’m hoping.

Joshua is another problem altogether. I admit that his problem is largely my fault, but in my general defense I love to cuddle with him when he is sleepy. But I think it is creating some problems. I think I will try to journal and post Joshua’s night wakings so maybe I will get a clue as to how I can get him to sleep longer. I have been putting him in the same little crib place pretty consistently but I guess I need to pat his back for only five minutes, then whether he is awake or asleep I will leave, let him cry for 15 minutes, go in and pat his back for five minutes and so on until he is asleep. I just hate to hear him cry forever. That is my plan on that account for now.

Whys and Hows and some general thoughts…
First of all, let me say Heidi, that you are an inspiration to me, little sis. I love your planning skills and implementation. So, if it’s okay with you, I am going to, heaven forbid, copy you. I hope that’s okay with you.

1. Read and really ponder the scriptures for 15 minutes a day.
2. Pray always.
3. Ponder and memorize a scripture a week.

Because if I do these things I will feel closer to the Lord and it is only by feeling his love that I can be happy and feel true joy.

1. Plan A is that I try to read the scriptures and say prayers while I exercise on my elliptical in the morning before the kids are awake. But I’m not sure if I can convince my night owl body to comply. Plan B is to read my scriptures while I sip herbal tea at night before I go to sleep.
2. Praying always is a bit vague. I want to have a sort of continual dialogue with the Lord all the day long. If I keep a planner (maybe that’s another goal altogether, I don’t know) then every time I refer to it I can live prayer by prayer as mom advocates. Or maybe when I look at the calendar I can do that. Or maybe when I wash my hands I can say a little prayer, I sure wash my hands a lot with changing diapers and cooking meals, not to mention going to the bathroom. It wood be symbolic too. So, I’m not sure which one will work the best. Maybe I’ll try all three and see which one I can keep up??
3. I want to pick one scripture on Sunday during my personal study. I will post it with tape on the top of the fridge and read it every time I open it.

1. Exercise for 30 minutes four times a week.
2. Drink 7 glasses of water a day.
3. Loose 18 pounds by Independence Day to end with a weight of 110 pounds (which is a healthy weight for a 4' 11 1/2 " dwarf).
4. Eat six fruit and vegetable servings a day.5. Eat one salad a day.

Because I want to treasure my mind, body and spirit and treat them with respect. It is only by treating them this way that I can complete my mission on earth to the best of my ability. When I exercise I feel better about myself and who I am, when I drink the right amount and eat the way I want to- I feel my confidence grow and I like how I look and feel better.

1. On Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays plan A will be to wake up at 6:30 in the morning and exercise while reading scriptures. If something comes up and I can’t do that then I will do it at night after putting the kids to bed. If I can’t do it then, I will try and exercise on one of my off days.
2. Drink a glass of water before eating each meal and one glass while eating, that will bring me to six glasses of water. Then I will count my herbal tea before bed.
3. I will have a goal of keeping a journal of the foods I eat and generally keeping track of the calories, I will weigh myself at least once a week, preferably after I exercise. I plan to loose three pounds a month, approximately one pound per week, give or take a little. By Independence Day I would like to be free of my excess “body clutter” as FLY lady calls it. I would like to fit into the jeans I bought at the beginning of last year and had to put up because they no longer fit me.
4. Eat one serving of fruit at breakfast, two at lunch, two at dinner and one for a snack.
5. For lunch or dinner eat a salad. At the beginning of the week, Monday preferably, slice up vegetables and other salad toppings and put them in containers for easy access.

1. Write in my journal for 15 minutes every other day.
2. Do something silly every day.
3. Live and let live.
4. Virtually attend a heart to heart meeting once a week.

Because just like my body, my mind is a vital part of who I am. If I feel at peace in my mind, I can handle stress much better, not yell at the kids or myself and feel happier.

1. On off days of exercising I want to write in my journal…Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Plan A would be to do it in the morning at 6:30, plan B would be to do it at night before bed.
2. Well, what can I say? I have a silly fun part that gets lost so much in the serious business of being a mom and trying to accomplish my mundane tasks in an efficient way. I am going to try to lighten up at least once a day and let loose. I’m not sure how to track this goal or when to do it except to say that I want to take the cue from my kids and when they are silly just join in.
3. Again, this role is not very trackable, but it is important. I would like to post this goal under my scripture on the fridge and try to remember it and read it often.
3. I’m not quite sure I’ll be able to do this one very easily. It’s probably going to be one of the very hardest goals for me. The meetings are at 6:00 every morning. I plan on being able to attend on Friday. They do have one meeting at 7:00 PM once a week but that is a difficult time with the kids, trying to get them fed and to bed.

My role as a housekeeper...
1. If I get it out I put it away, no matter what.
2. Remind the kids to put their stuff away, no matter what.
3. Clean for 15 minutes after each meal.
4. Keep the laundry up for 15 minutes a day.

Because when my house is clean, my brain feels clean…if that makes any sense. I don’t need it to be perfect, just pretty clean. Not too many toys, crumbs, papers or miscellaneous pieces of garbage to trip over and step on, no dishes in the sink, the table cleared off…all of these things help me to have peace of mind. The scriptures say to have a house of order and I want to do that.

1. I’m not sure how to track this one either. I just know that the habit of leaving things out is destroying any goal to keep the house clean on my account and the kids account. I think maybe we can remind each other. A big problem is eating and then leaving the mess because I need to leave. Another problem is trying to keep up with Joshua and his messes. He is a virtual mess machine and trying to clean up his messes is a full time job. I can plan my meals and plan the time needed to clean up the meals too. I can have the kids help me with Joshua.
2. Refer to number one.
3. Again, plan for the time it takes to clean up after each meal.
4. After the kids go to school, change the laundry. If that doesn’t work, do it just before dinner.

My role as the family accountant...
1. Stick to a budget of $1000 to $1500 a month
2. Don't eat out more than 3 times a month.
3. Make a buying list and stick to it, only buy two extra things not on the list.

Because the prophet has asked us to live within our means and because I feel much better about myself when I do a good job of not spending too much.

1. I think I might have to change the money amount, not sure yet. But not eating out will make a big difference. I might need to get a job. I’ll probably need to go on food stamps. But the most important thing will be to track my spending in my notebook and review it with the kids often. Perhaps I can do this during breakfast on Mondays, not sure if this will work, but I can try.
2. Keep a loaf of bread, pretzels, raisins and graham crackers in the car. This can help stave off hunger until I get home. Plan my meals once a week and on busy days use a crock pot. That way I will know there is a wonderful warm meal waiting for me when I get home.
3. I will keep a list of needs on the fridge and add to it during the week. Then I will try to go shopping once a month. I’m not sure if this will work, but it’s worth a try.

My role as a mommy...
1. Show love to my kids with a ten second hug every day.
2. Look at my kids in the eyes when they talk to me as much as possible.
3. Give consequences, don't yell...let the consequences speak for me.

This is one of my very most important roles. I will come before God to give an accounting of this role. I view my role as a mommy very seriously. I often fall short of my expectations for myself in this area.

1. I will try to give this as a “good morning” hug, but if the morning doesn’t work, then I will try to give this hug at night right before bed.
2. This one is a little tricky because with four kids I often find myself trying to do five things at once, but I will always remember how good at looking us in the eyes Grandma Potts was. I remember how important and valued I felt when she did this for me. So, I will just try to remember when I can that I want to do this.
3. Again, this one is hard to track. Just something to read and remember as often as possible.


  1. Wow! G-R-E-A-T Job Cindy! You were so thorough! One thing I love to do to be silly is just turning on some fun music and just let loose and dance - sometimes with the girls, sometimes as I'm getting meals ready, and sometimes just by myself.
    Anyway, you are AMAZING! You have SO many things going on at once. You really did have a rough week last week and I think you are amazing. Do what you can & remember - PROGRESS not PERFECTION!
    Love you! Love you!

  2. WOW!! I think it was an accomplishment just to get all this written down! I'm sure it took a lot of concentration.
    - the Joshual Journal is a great idea. How is that ocming?
    - I love the silly sack full of ideas to choose from
    - What scripture are you memorizing?
    - I think the elliptical idea is great. I almost always ponder or pray while I exercise
    - How is your food journaling coming? I was never very good at that.
    - Great progress on your budgeting!
    - It will be fun to go to the temple together today.
