Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Becka's progress week 3

Well, it's Monday and so I thought I should put some progress on here. I really don't feel like I've made any progress this week. I need to work harder and focus on just one thing at a time. I also have quite a few things that I am dreading doing and maybe that is why I am being such a slacker. I really need to buck up and just do them. I'm so glad I have to be accountable to someone for not fulfulling my tasks. I know that it comes down to not doing them for my own sake but I also know that it helps to know there are others out there going through similiar struggles.


  1. It's OK Becka! You ARE doing great! Don't forget to give yourself credit - even for small triumps.
    We love ya!

  2. Yep, I agree. As I see this progress thing we are all in a boat rowing. Some are resting a bit, others keep rowing. Together we'll get there!

  3. Hey Becka- Just hang in there...we're all chugging through. You can do it...yes you can. Sorry couldn't resist putting a little Bob the Builder in. Seriously, thanks for posting and for teaching us that reaching goals is about struggling through...heaven knows that's what I'm doing.
