Monday, January 12, 2009

Becka's Progress

Well, it is another glorious day and I am up. I thought since it is Monday and I'm starting to plan my week then I should probably put my progress on here.

First, I have been getting up about 1/2 the time. This is probably the bit that I am doing the worst at but I am making progress so I guess I shouldn't complain too much. I have had a lot of headaches but I know that these are coming from lack of sleep and not eating the right foods. I am really proud of myself for getting up on a few days when I had a headache and continuing on anyways. I know that I need to control my sleeping habits if I want to control my headaches. I know many of the triggers for them and I think that if I ignore these triggers than I have no one to blame for being sick but myself. My goal this week is to get up every day and not go back to bed, no matter what. Even if that means sitting around in my pj's moaning on the couch. If I don't set a regular schedule then my body can't adjust and I will continue on a downward spiral.

I have also been trying to choose to eat healthier. I have chose water over other things a few times and have been drinking less pop. In fact I have hardly had any pop at all but maybe that has more to do with the fact that I haven't bought any. I am sure that helps. We haven't eaten out at all but that has more to do with how poor we are then how convenient it is to cook. Being poor definitely has it's advantages. It's much harder to eat poorly (I find it funny that WIC thinks it's the other way around). I am going to sit down today and write down a menu for the whole week and put it on the fridge. Then I need to buy only the things I need on the list with no "goodies".

I contacted three friends of mine who home school there kids (including Cindy) to see how they did it and what some of the difficulties and advantages were. I also looked up some local home school societies and found out what I need to do for the Colorado State Law. I have a book I'm reading on homeschooling that I am really enjoying. What I need to do now is finish the book by the end of the week, talk to a few more home school parents and start to work out my own curriculum.

I'm going to leave it at that. I don't want to push myself to hard. I know my limits and I know that if I stay within those limits I can do things just fine but if I step outside them then I am asking for trouble.

Lastly I want to mention something I have been thinking about. Two out of the three people Dave works with are from South America. We were at a Christmas/winter solstice/Hanukkah party right before Christmas and they were telling us all what their new years traditions were. New Years for some of them was a much bigger holiday then Christmas. At 12:00 as the clock chimes you are suppose to eat 12 grapes, one for each month (and subsequently for each resolution) you are going to do for the year. They then went on to explain that at the beginning of the year they pick something they are going to do for each month, instead of one thing for the whole year. I really like that because I felt that it would be easier to complete your resolutions if they were spread out over the entire year with a renewal at the beginning of each month. Just something I thought I would mention.... Oh, and the fact you are suppose to wear new pink underwear on New Years Eve. So happy new year and I'll post again in another week.


  1. Becka - you're doing fantastic! I used to be a morning person before I married Jason (he is completely opposite), so now it's not easy for me to wake up early, either, so GOOD JOB for waking up when you did! And I agree - I think the biggest thing is getting your body into a routine and hopefully it won't be as hard.
    Good luck on the homeschooling thing. Sounds like you're doing your homework :)
    And good job drinking more water - I need to do better at that, too!

  2. Great work Becka! The hardest thing for me is to get to bed on time. If I can turn off the computer, tv, game system by 9 pm, I can be asleep by 10. That makes getting up at 5 am so much easier.
    I am impressed that you are going to tackle homeschooling. I honestly couldn't spend that much time with my kids, I really would kill them. Then I would end up in prison, and they would have to send me money for cigarettes...oh, the list goes on and on.

  3. Hey Becka,
    You and I are so similar when it comes to our (over) sleeping disorder and crappy eating habits. Keep me posted on what's helping you!
    I loved your experience with the South American tradition to focus on one goal each month. Benjamin Franklin had the same theory where he had 13 goals/ virtues he'd focus on and he'd rotate them weekly. You should look it up. It's a great idea!
    Anyways, you are my personal inspiration right now since we have so much in common with our personal goals. Thanks Becka!

  4. Hey Becka,
    I'm sorry I'm so late getting back with you.
    - Getting up. Even though I am an early bird there is many a morning I have to give myself the count of 5 to get up! Sometimes I will repeat to myself "I WILL go and do the things the Lord commands!" This mind over mattress is sometimes hard!
    - YOU ARE SO WISE to take things one step at a time with homeschool. I love the saying "Go as far as you can see, you'll see more when you get there."
    - Thanks for sharing the grapes. What a "fruitful" idea
    _ Headaches. I can relate, especially this week with my neck involved. It was "TURN OFF THOSE LIGHTS!!!" for me.
    - Good job on menus. I could do much better. My best trick is starting dinner while putting away the cereal for breakfast.
    Keep up the good work.
    ma Potts

  5. Good Job Becka!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You inspire me! Have you finished your book yet? How have you done this week on waking up? I've done awful with that goal...hopefully I'll do better next week. I have made progress with the menus too. I put them on my calendar...just the key words. Love ya girl, miss you tons. I'm glad you're a part of this blog!!
