Sunday, May 31, 2009

Getting back on the wagon...

...or at least trying! I have been waking up earlier lately, having more energy and generally feeling better. I have been thinking about my goals more lately and trying harder, but I still have a long way to go. We're approaching the halfway mark for the year, and some things I'm feeling pretty good about while others I want to give up on (but won't). As the summer approaches, I think I need a re-vamping of my schedule and the girls' schedules & I hope to work on that today.

Here's a few things I feel good about for the last couple weeks:
-Scrapbooking. I'm caught up with Ireland's scrapbook up to the end of March (which is good because her birthday is only a month away!).
-Service. Still not where I want to be, but I've had the opportunity to take a meal to a sister, watch Robyn's kids, and help my family, too. I love the feeling I get when I can help others. Sometimes I need to work on being REALLY happy about it, but I hope to get there.
-Vacations. I have successfully checked off our girls' getaway, our anniversary vacation, and we have family vacations coming up!
-Food Storage. We went to Walmart a couple weeks ago & spent about $500 stocking up on more food. The only thing I think we're really missing is a wheat grinder.
-Eating better. This past week, I bought I bunch of veggies, cut them up, and put them in our veggie tray in the fridge. We've all been eating more veggies this week & it's great! Also, we have been LOVING the summer fruit - lots of cantelope, watermelon & honeydew. Mmmmm.
-Pictures of Jesus, the temple & the prophet in all our rooms. DONE! Hooray!

Things I'm going to focus on this week:
-Exercising. I need to get back into a routine. I need a time (plan A & plan B) of when I'm going to go & then GO. Even if it's only a little while. I'd also like to do a bit of strength training in. I'm starting to feel flabby. My goal this week is to exercise 4 times. No excuses!
-Coming up with our summer temple (and activity) schedule. The Warrens have sent me their times for the temple, so I need to do the same & get it set up so that we're good to go!
- Taking better care of my face. Wash it once a day & exercise, read or call someone if I feel the urge to attack my face.
-Love notes. I have slacked on this big time & I have seen so many blessings lately, I need to write them down.
-Media. I haven't made the best, most inspirational movie choices lately & I am going to focus on really inspirational things this week to bring me closer to my Savior.
-On the computer no more than an hour a day!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you Heidi. Thanks for getting us back on the wagon! I love you so much. Thanks for helping with Joshua so much?
