Sunday, September 27, 2009

Heidi's updates

Hi everyone! How are you?
I am hanging in there. A month left (please pray for me that it's not longer than a month!)...
I am looking forward to cooler weather.
I am looking forward to General Conference.
I am looking forward to my bow shower!
I am looking forward to THIS BABY!!

Here are some updates from me:

Good stuff:
-I still feel pretty good about my media choices. I hardly ever watch TV. I'm more into reading inspirational stuff. I try to listen to uplifting music and watch good movies.
-I still feel good about exercising. I worked out 4 times last week, and at least 3 times the past couple weeks before that. The only real bummer is that it seems like my carpal tunnel stuff gets WORSE, not better when I exercise. It does help me so much emotionally, though. I DO think if I was better at doing yoga, that would help, so I'm going to try harder to do more yoga next week.
-Birthday Books. All I really need to do is put in the last month & finish McKinley's slideshow DVD, but both of them are pretty much done.
-Appreciate my loved ones more. Specifically Jason. I started the "Love Dare" a couple weeks ago. It HAS NOT been easy - and I have a long way to go - but I have learned a lot about true, Christlike, unconditional love, and I've been able to show that to Jason in various ways these past couple weeks & it has definitely strengthened our marriage.
-I did go to the temple a couple weeks ago w/ the sisters, which was great! Jason & I need to really go at least one more time before the baby comes, though.
-I've been pretty good about getting to bed on time lately. It's hard hard when I'm so exhausted all the time.

-Making a list of things I should be doing every day and projects to keep me healthy and happy until this baby comes.
-Making sure I wake up when the Spirit first tuggs at me to get up and seek the Lord.
-Meal Planning. Need to do better.
-Transferring VHS to DVD. I need to make this one of my "to-do" projects before the baby comes.
-Date night & temple w/ my sweetie.
-Taking better care of my skin and nails.
-Being a better listener to my girls and my hubby.

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