Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hey Everybody!

I changed the background. Let me know what you think!
Yes, September is here. Kind of crazy. Kind of cool. At least I hope it cools down soon!
Just want to let you all know that I love reading your entries. And those of you who feel it's just been too long, IT'S NEVER TOO LATE! you can just get on here & say hi if you want. We love you.

Here's my updates from the past couple weeks:

1. I've been so excited to post that I exercised 5 times last week! Hooray! I think I was just setting the bar too low, so this week I'm shooting for 5 times again. And that can range from just 20 minutes to an hour, but EVERY day.
2. Been better at waking up by 7am & getting at least a 1/2 hour of personal study in. I am SO BLESSED when I do this. The main thing that I struggle with is even though my glass "overfloweth" by the time I'm done & I feel ready to start the day, all it takes is one tantrum or mess or attitude from one of my girls & my cup feels empty again. I need to take the time to keep refilling it through prayer & repentance.
3. Been good about media! I read a fantastic book - Yearning for the Living God. so good! Inspires me to not take this gospel for granted, sacrifice more, and be closer ot the spirit so I can recognize & obey promptings so that I can see more miracles in my life! I also put 6 Christian books/DVDs on hold at the library & am excited to read them!
4. Serving - was able to serve a lady in our ward who's on bedrest - pregnant w/ twins. Was thankful for that opportunity!
5. Memory Stuff. I am basically caught up with backing up the memory stuff from this year (besides the camcorder). I still have back-log to do, but I'm really starting to feel more organized with memory stuff. I also pretty much have McKinley's birthday book done & that will be a HUGE relief to get that done & be able to do better maintenance for the next year with their books.
6. Scriptures/character qualities in the morning before breakfast. It's been nice to gather as a family, read scriptures from our special Book of Mormon, and talk about a character quality for that week.
7. We've been on time to church the past couple weeks!

1. Serving more CHEERFULLY - especially my family. My husband & children deserve a happy, upbeat mom! What kind of message am I sending if I am constantly exhausted and frustrated? I want to have a servant's heart & LOVE to serve!
2. Temple. We had plans for last month, but they fell through. We did go as girls, though, so that was nice, but we NEED to go as a couple this month.
3. Journal. Would like to get back in the habit of every day or every other day.
4. Love Notes! I've been really bad with writing them down on a daily basis, even though I did document a few really neat blessings we've seen recently.
5. Eating. Though my exercising has been SO MUCH better, my eating seems like it's been worse. For myself & my baby, I need to focus on getting more nutrients in me.
6. Meal plan. The past week or 2 has not been good. I need to get back on track.
7. FlyLady. I've been better with keeping my house straightened (especially since the gunny bag fairy started coming around), but the CLEANING (dusting, washing walls, etc) has really slacked. I'm planning on doing some catch-up tomorrow, but I need to do it EVERY week! Then it can really just be an hour, instead of feeling like it's an all-morning task.



    I love the background. Very appropriate for Fall.

    I'm sure my comments on yours are all starting to sound the same but seriously Heidi, you are AWESOME and and inspiration to us all with your dedication and implementation to goals! I LOVE IT (although you set the bar WAY TOO HIGH for the rest of us.) :D

    I think you should post something about how you go about planning your meals and some of the type of meals you do. That way I won't have to reinvent the wheel. :)

    Love you Heidi!

  2. I love the background Heidi. Great summary! I love how you are accounting for your progress...way to go! And exercizing-- wow!
