Sunday, August 16, 2009

Heidi - weak 33

Oh... was that supposed to be WEEK 33? My bad (not really).
I try, but I sometimes feel like I just can't break free from the fatigue & lack of motivation some days. I am grateful, though, for the blessings I do have. I need to not complain and to cherish all I have.
With that said, here's some updates:

-Media. I have tried harder to listen to and watch inspirational media. We had oodles of other stuff to watch last night, but we watched the Christian movie "Facing the Giants." wow. It was REALLY good! I went to bed feeling hopeful about Jason's job situation, loved by my Savior, and peaceful. I could have watched a different movie and went to bed with COMPLETELY different emotions. There is SO MUCH good media out there! I love to find it!
-Journal. I have been doing SO MUCH better with this & I totally notice a difference. I used to write every day when I was younger, so every couple days has helped me to analyze my feelings better and just clean out the emotions that clog up my life.
-Food Storage. We organized it & I'm starting to use it more. Slowly, granted, but still using it.
-Birthday Books. I sent McKinley's 12x12 pages last week to be printed. I'm going to send the 4x6 soon as well. I think I'll be able to have it ready by her birthday. I hope it turns out cute! I have put a lot of time into it!
-Date nights. June & July we hardly ever went out, but thanks to mom, we have gone out a couple times this month & it's been really nice. We both get stressed with Jason's job situation, so it's nice to go out & try to just enjoy each other, focus on each other, and focus on our blessings.
-Budget. This isn't on my goals list, but I have to write it down because it's something I personally have been working hard on. We went to a cash budget & I'll admit it's been difficult at times not wanting to pick this or that up or have a little indulgence, but we have been blessed & I was almost right on last month with our budget - even with our camping vacation! So - I hope to do the same for this month - especially in entertainment & groceries.

-Serve others more cheerfully. I need to be more thoughtful about others & put myself in their shoes and serve and truly love more.
-Love note from God. I don't know why I have been slacking in this. It's not like God has slacked on giving me blessings & miracles. I need to WRITE THEM DOWN!
-On the computer no more than an hour a day. I have been better in the mornings. I don't look at it till I get my morning things done. It's the afternoon when I just don't have a good enough plan or something & find myself wasting precious time. Lord, help me to do better!
-Word of Wisdom. I need to get to bed by 10:30pm so I can get up by 6:30 or 7am. I need to EXERCISE MORE! I need to stop eating so much junk & start choosing better foods.
-FlyLady. My house is not really a pretty sight right now. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow to catch up. I am pretty good about the laundry, but it's the clutter (especially in the basement - and that seems to migrate into the upstairs) that gets me down. I need to do better about constantly picking up and having the girls pick up stuff, too. I'm thinking about instituting the "gunny bag." We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, thanks again for leading out on resolutions. I'd love to watch the GIANTS movie. Did you rent it?

    I can't wait to see McKinley's pictures!

    Thanks for your help with the family picture retreat.
    I love you,
