Sunday, June 28, 2009


I'm so thrilled to see a bit more activity on here! This is going to be a really busy next month or so, so I really need to focus. As far as me & my progress, I still have a long way to go, but here is where I'm at:

-Feeling closer to my Savior. I am really trying to literally apply the scriptures that talk about "seek ye early & ye shall find me" & so I've been waking up between 6:30-7am & I have literally seen that scripture fulfilled. I have found Him. My days when I have taken time with Him in the mornings have gone SO much smoother, regardless of the struggles of that day. I intend to keep on with this & it goes with seeing myself & others as my Savior sees us.
-Media - Again, I feel blessed to be able to have found some inspiration - I read "The Inheritance" by Louisa May Alcott last week. It her first novel that she wrote at 17. Then, on Friday night we watched "The Ultimate Gift" - good DVD!
-FlyLady/House cleaned - I worked REALLY hard last week in deep cleaning my house. It was like a belated spring cleaning. I'm talking scrubbing the cabinets, the chairs, the table, and I spent 2 hours on my hands & knees scrubbing my tile & grout, not to mention cleaning my walls, blinds, etc. It was exhausting, but so nice by Friday when it was ALL CLEAN! Now, I need to focus on maintaining it!
-Temple. We went a couple weeks ago & did endowments & then yesterday we went to the Oquirrh Mountain open house. Also, Jason's been volunteering there. It's been such a blessing to be so involved in the temple!
-Love Notes from God. I have made progress - for sure. Yesterday I saw the most beautiful rainbow I've EVER seen. Gorgeous! It was like Heavenly Father was sending so much love my way!
-We made progress in watching the Financial Freedom Seminar DVDs. We usually watch one a week & we watched 3 last week. They are soooo good!

-Getting Ireland's birthday book done! Print out newsletters & do her DVD. Also, get everything ready to bring for her birthday party.
-Eating right & exercising! At this rate, I will have gained 80 lbs with this pregnancy! I need to do better!
-Serving others more often & cheerfully!
-My face
-I need to write in my journal this week - and to my baby.
-Appreciate my loved ones more. Love notes & service for my hubby. Time truly playing w/ my girls.
-Getting to bed on time! I've gotten to bed by midnight most nights this week. YUCK!
-Sarcasm. Jason asked me today to do better with this, so I guess I need to work on this some more.
-I need to work on our date nights. We've been so busy & it's not going to change, but maybe on a weeknight?


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