Saturday, June 27, 2009

It's good to see everyone (Becka)

Hey, I want you all to know I love reading all your posts. I still read often even though I haven't posted in a long time.

My goal this year was to home school my kids and which I've done. That is mostly why I haven't posted, not the best excuse but it's my only one. I love home schooling, it has been so much fun. We are continuing during the summer because well, 1) I'm mean and 2) because I hate the idea of summer break. It makes school into the bad guy and doing nothing into the good guy. We do take breaks but they are throughout the year.

My house is still in chaos. If I thought it would get better once I started home schooling I must have been crazy. (I didn't, don't worry) My older two kids are visiting there grandparents in Utah for a couple of weeks and I'm looking forward to getting some stuff done. I've made a list of things I'd like to get done while there gone and I'm hoping to get most of them done. I'll let you know how that goes.

Lastly our finances are, well, they could be better. I need to get a tighter hold on them. Dave is leaving for Poland in a couple of weeks and so much of our money is going to it, it's making me sick. One of the things I really want to do is organize our files this week. I'm hoping that will help to see more of where are money is going and how we could save more of it.

Well, I'm hoping everyone is well. It's great to see all of you doing so well and keeping going. I'm going to try much harder to keep up. I really have no excuse. My kids are bigger, I have a husband who helps when he's home, I don't have to work and I'm not pregnant :) . I need to be more greatful for what I have. I'll write again soon.



  1. Becka,
    It was GREAT to hear from you!! Congrats on making such fantstic progress on home school. You have such enthusiasm for life and learning. I'm sure it's rubbing off on your kids.
    That's neat that the kids get to visit Utah. Are they going to see Kalli and Tiarra?
    I hope you are able to make progress on your organization-- just remember to count the progress not just the accomplishments! I find it helpful to set the timer for 15 minutes then fill in a circle (heck, just use one of the kids reward charts!!)

  2. Becka - DITTO! So good to hear from you! Great job on your homeschooling! You made me laugh out loud when you said you're continuing in the summer because you're mean :) I think it's great you're doing that! We're working on a lot of learning here this summer, too.
    On your finances, do you use Quicken? That helps us out a lot to see where we are & where we should be & I can easily show Jason where we've overspent & need to cut back. Also, I wish I could have everyone watch these Financial Freedom DVDs. They sure are great.
    Glad you're doing well. Thanks so much for the update! Great job!
