Sunday, June 7, 2009

Week 23 Update for Heidi

First of all - I miss everyone! I know we're all busy, but let's not give up! I think the minute we stop working toward goals is the minute we let life take over instead of feeling like we have a plan and are doing the best we can.
Overall, I feel like I'm progressing- and that's what it's all about, right?
Here's how I feel like I'm doing & where I'm at for the past week:

Did well last week:
-Flylady. My morning & night routines are getting better & in turn, my house is generally cleaner on the whole, which I am thankful for. I did my home blessing hour and I hope to do some organizing in the coming weeks.
-Jason & I sat down & wrote our temple schedule for the summer & sent it to our neighbors that we switch with. Now we just have to make sure we go!! We are also excited to go to the open house this month for Jason's birthday. Also, we made our summer activity list & have already done a lot!
-Media: I read 2 great books last week - The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis and At the Water's Edge, by Annete Lyon. Both good, inspirational books. The Great Divorce is, wow. Deep.
-At the beginning of the week, I did really good for exercising & even did some jogging & strength exercises. So 2 good days of exercising.
-At the beginning of the week, I did really good with reading my scriptures every day. I think I was about 5 for 7 on this one.
-I have been overall better about taking care of my face & I think I'm 5 for 7 with washing it at least once a day, but I need to do better about doing alternate activities when I feel like popping.
-Making meals. I feel really good for the past few weeks about my meal planning and healthy meal preparation.
-We were on time to church!
-I bore my testimony in church today and it felt really good & I was thankful to be able to do it.

What I want to focus on this week:
-Be consistent EVERY day with praying, reading and pondering the scriptures. If I want to make the relationship with Him the MOST important thing in my life, I need to take the time to put Him first.
-Serving others. Not out of duty. Not out of wanting "brownie points" in heaven. Because I love God and He loves me and I want to let His love for me extend to every other person around me. I want to love & serve others to show my love for Him.
-I have been so much better about eating more fruits & veggies, but at the same time, I have also given in way too much to sugar cravings - LOTS of candy. So, this week my plan is to work on substituting sugary sweet stuff with fruit and drinking more water.
-Get Ireland's birthday book all organized & ready to print up to the date. Get September done for McKinley.
-Being a better mom. Listening more. Cuddling more. Teaching more.
-Getting the hall bathroom drawers organized with bows & everything.

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