Sunday, February 8, 2009

Becka week #6

I'm sorry it has taken me so long to write. It is hard to write when you don't feel like you have any progress to show. To me, this is like a hospital - I go here to get help with my ailments. If I was well, I wouldn't need you all so much.

So, I read several good books on homeschool. I am really getting excited about starting but I know I need to hold off and not rush into anything. One of the books recommends a reading list and I have started on them. It also recommends spending at least 2 months deep cleaning and organizing your family so that homeschool easier. I thought the first thing I need to do is get the kids to help more. I started a new "much harder" cleaning routine yesterday with the kids working a lot around the house. I figure that even though it is harder for them now it will be easier if they don't have to change to many things when we switch to homeschool. I am hoping this will also give me more time for organizing and reading; and I have a lot to read. I need to lead the example and be able to teach from the books and I can't do them if I don't know them. The change is already happening and I love how it's affecting us. Of course we have our good days and bad days but I really feel that I am improving and that makes me feel great.


  1. Congrats on your progress and planning Becka!

  2. Becka - thanks for your sweet comments.
    Sounds like you've gotten some good resources. Not that you need more, but the Duggar Family home school their 18 kids (yes, 18).
    Here's a link to their homeschooling resources. They look great:

  3. After reading your blog and the post you put on there it was one of the next books I was going to get.

  4. Good for you! I homeschooled Alex for six months. It was hard, and she didn't appreciate it, but she was so much farther ahead when she went back to school. She understood the concepts better, but to this day she will tell you she dislikes crosswords.

  5. Becka- I saw on facebook that your kids are sick, I'm so sorry. How are they doing today? How is homeschool going? Don't be too hard on yourself, you are an awesome mom and you can do this!!!! Just take it one step at a day at a time and remember to cut yourself some slack and make time for you to nurture youself too!! Love ya lots!! Call me if you need to explode...or talk...or laugh...or cry...or whatever!
