Saturday, February 21, 2009

There's always next week

Week 7 report:

I think these last few weeks just disappeared. Like my laundry piles it beame somewhere in the folds of the way I felt and how busy I was pretending to be a young mom again.

The oops:
I didn’t even think of water before sweets. I figured I deserved the sweets
Exercise? My brain was getting enough exercise trying to remember how to make a peanut butter sandwhich
Neck- I can report that it is still attached to my head. That’s about all.
Positive songs- mostly listening to Old McDonald with the kids

The good:
We did make an extra out-of-debt payment, listen to general conference some and check the news a few times.

That’s about it.
I'm thankful that I could be there for Tiarra, Michael and Joshua. They are wonderful kids. Cindy is a great mom.

It's nice to know there's always next week. I’ll try to get back in the swing of things then.


  1. Thanks sooo much for all you sacrifice for me...tonight and the week you watched the kids!!! You are AWESOME!! How are you doing this week? Any better without the kids??
