Sunday, February 8, 2009


Hey, hey, hey!

So my progress has been so, so over the last couple of weeks.

Here are the highlights:
-Good at reading inspiring books at least 10 minutes a day
-Great at one bowl of cereal
-So so with not sleeping over 9 hrs (except on my days off)

What I want to focus on this week:
-Pray daily
-Keeping up with the news

Life is great! I've been reading a good book called "Happy for no reason." The title is pretty much self explanatory but I'm really enjoying the book. Here is a short story from the author.

"The minute I landed in Bangkok I noticed that everyone looked so joyful and at peace. The Thai truly seem to live up to their nickname, as everyone was smiling. Today I asked Mam, our tour guide, why she thought the people here are happy, and she gave me three very wise answers. First, Mam said, “We don’t worry about things, we let them go. There is a common expression in Thai, ‘Ma Phen Rai,’ which means ‘Don’t worry, never mind.’ So whenever something doesn’t go our way or makes us a bit irritated, we just say, Ma Phen Rai, and we let it go. If someone’s late, we just take it easy. If we forget to do something that can be done tomorrow, it’s fine.” (It sounds like their version of “Don’t sweat the small stuff!”) Secondly, Mam said, “We are contented, which leads to happiness. We are satisfied with what we have, whether it is a little or a lot. We feel, ‘I have enough, and I am enough.’” Finally, she added, “We don’t compare. We appreciate what we have without looking at what other people have or what they do.” This explains the lightness of spirit in Mam and the other Thai people I’ve encountered on this journey. Their life is not easier or less stressful—quite the contrary—they just know how to let go, be at peace, and focus on the good. "

Love all you gals and I'll see some of you soon (YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!)


  1. Tiff,
    I love your quote and your progress! I'll be thinking of you all this week. I hope you guys have tons of fun.

  2. Tiffany - GREAT job! I like how you said "things you need to work on" instead of being negative about it. I'm going to use that.
    I liked the story about the Thai people as well. It's amazing how many times I need those remeinders. I keep forgetting...
    And thank you for all your kind comments. Jason & I were just talking about how you are so good at giving compliments - and how that is going to be one of your best attributes as a mom one day.
    LOVE YOU SISTA! See you soon!

  3. Awesome, it really sounds like you want to be happy. I loved the story, it really helped me to think about how I am doing things.

  4. Way to go Tiff!
    Your quote reminds me of the ten commandments. It seems that everything comes down to letting go and letting God.
    Hope you gals have a great weekend...
