Monday, March 2, 2009

Heidi - week #9 blah, blah, blah

First of all, I'm SO HAPPY to see everyone posting. I missed you guys - and your amazing support.
I almost didn't want to post because last week was...well, blah to say the least. BUT I KNOW that when I stop posting then I'm going to stop trying all together & I don't want that, so here goes. Last week, I pretty much just ate when I was hungry (which was a LOT), slept when I was tired (which was a LOT), and took care of the necessary things. That was about it. yup.
I'm really trying not to use my pregnancy as an excuse, but it is turning that way. I wonder if Jason wasn't home if I would not be so lazy, or if my children would simply be watching way too much TV every day. Jason just has been spoiling me. I truly do feel tired so much and I feel like I'm on a boat that is constantly rocking. So far no puking - knock on wood - but I feel pukey most of the day - especially if I don't eat at least every 2 hours. I told Cindy I got nauseous just stirring my malt-o-meal the other day. ANYway, I'm rambling, but I do want to do better. I like Cindy's graphic, though. I am lacking the motivation to get motivated. That's where prayer & you guys come in! My cheerleading squad!
So - here's my update. I'm looking forward to feeling better soon and getting more on top of things, but I'm NOT giving up either way!!

GOOD STUFF:-I did make a few good meals last week.
-I didn't attack my face
-I did send my amazing sisters/mom/grandma a card to let them know how awesome they are
-We did go to the temple last week (sort of...initiatory - I waited for about 40 minutes and told them I had to go. There's no way I would have lasted another 30-40 minutes without food!)
-I felt like our media choices were good for the most part.
-Better on my love notes from God

-Keeping my home clean & keeping up with the laundry
-Eating & Exercising. Both horrible. It's hard because there aren't a lot of things that sound good to be so I justify eating whatever sounds good, even if it's bad for me. Well, that just ends up leaving me feeling BLAH. I should even just walk for 20 minutes a day. It would do me a WORLD of good at this point.
-Spiritual things: Praying, scriptures, and striving to love and see as Jesus does and serving others has fallen by the wayside. I NEED His strennth and help and I know He's ready to give it if I just ask.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Heidi,
    I'll never forget when my landlord suggested that I think of myself as an incubator. I didn't need to be anything more for 9 months!!

    I'm so thankful that Jason is so supportive!
    You are on my prayer page

    How in the world were you able to fix a couple of good meals? I bought a box of breaded chicken patties you are welcome to so meals will be easier. Oops! Did I just make you nauseated?

