Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello ladies....

So I've revised my goals slightly. I changed my "hour of power" with 20 minutes of exercising, reading, and meditating to half hour of power (it still rhythms right...!) I also added doing one unexpected nice service for Adam once a week.

I've done pretty well at not sleeping more than 9 hours and only eating one bowl of cereal. Other than that, I was slacking but I liked mom's title of "there's always next week." I have a cute illustration from a day calender Aunty Al gave me that has a picture of a chick coming out of an egg that says "Begin again. It's a brand new day!"

What I really want to focus on this week is tracking our March spending and also keeping a journal with 2 accomplishments, 2+ blessings, and one thing I can improve on.

That's pretty much it folks. I was transferred to another community that's about 45 minutes away from my house. I've only been here a week but I think I'm going to like it and I'm super grateful I'm still employed.

Anyways, I love y'all!


  1. Tiff,
    45 minutes is quite a ways but I guess you're used to traveling all over the place :). I'm glad you like it so far! I'll keep you in my prayers that you continue to like it. I think that's great that you're trying to do something unexpected for Adam every week! What kind of things...?

  2. Hey - I say that's great if you can be consistent w/ a 1/2 hour. You are such a great example. GREAT JOB with the sleeping & cereal.
    I miss you. I love you.

  3. GOOD FOR YOU TIFFANY!! Eating only one bowl of cereal is hard for me too and I'm with Heidi--half-hour of power is great! How do you like your new co-workers? Is your office bigger?
