Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hey ladies,

Goals... hmmmm.... what are those? And resolutions, what the heck does that mean??? Just kidding (sort of.)

But seriously, I've been struggling lately. I ruptured my ear drum last week and haven't been feeling well but that's not an excuse. I will do better!

I've been okay at planning my day and listening to inspirational books. Now that I have a 45 minute commute each way, I'm able to pick up books on CD at the library. I recently finished one called "The Last Lecture." Talk about AWESOME! I would encourage you all to read or listen to it. It's a true story about a professor who is dying of prostate cancer and only has a few months to live. He writes his last lecture to his family and his students. Very awesome and it helps put life into perspective.

Other than that, same old same old, which means life is wonderful (even though I don't always see it that way.) There's a country song I love that brings it all home. It's called "Lucky man." Here's the link. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znAQoOkkvp4

Love y'all!



  1. Hey chika - you are awesome. You could just chill out and talk on your phone or jam to music, but you are using your time in the car wisely - great job! You have read so many wonderful books. You'll have to give me a "must read" list so I can catch up.
    I love that country song.
    I hope your ear is feeling better. Love you!

  2. Hello my beloved Tiffany,
    I hope things aren't "eary" in your life any more. Thanks for inspiring me to get my goal papers to look better. It has helped! I am on day 14 of no sugar!! The real test will be the cruise in 5 days!! Love mom
