Monday, March 30, 2009

Is anyone out there???

Hello people,

What in the world would we do without Heidi leading us into our NY resolutions??? Thanks for keeping us accountable!

Life is good! Hmmm... where to start? I bought myself an iPod Touch for my birthday and it's AMAZING! I have several applications to assist me with my goals. For example, there's an actual goal tracker, money tracker, gratitude journal, journal, yoga exercises, personal trainer, scriptures, and SOOOO much more! I LOVE IT!

One of the applications I love most is the Gratitude Journal. I keep it with me throughout the day and jot down bullet points with things in my life I'm grateful for. I haven't been doing it for long but it's definitely already impacted me so instead of the glass is half empty or half full, I'm just dog gone grateful to have a cup!

I've also made slight progress with working out. I read Heidi's progress where she said she's at least walking 20 minutes. Well heck, I'm lucky if I make it 5 minutes! You set the bar pretty darn high Heidi!

Other than that, I need to improve but I will my whole life! I'm starting to be more okay with my progress than my lack of progress! In "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" (my FAVORITE BOOK EVER) he says your "in basket" will never be empty so be happy with life as it is. Obviously it doesn't mean to stop setting goals, but it means life is good no matter what our progress is.

Anywho, that's about it for me. I love you gals!

P.S. y'all should check out Trisha's YouTube videos. They are AWESOME! Most of them have had at least 700 views. You rock Trish!

Love, Tiff


  1. Hey Tiff - I'm sure you all would have gone on without me. I HOPE you would have :)
    GREAT job and I'm so glad your itouch is helping you with your goals. When I am good about writing things I'm thankful for, it makes a world of difference for me. And you are already so optomistic and happy.
    And 5 minutes of walking is great, too!

  2. Hi Tiff- I love to hear your voice in any way, shape or form. Thank your for your call after our trip. You are so supportive!
