Monday, March 2, 2009

Okay, so I've been quite the slacker about posting, lately I've felt a bit like this guy. I keep trying to get up and I can't seem to get there. Anyway, my excuses are valid up to a point. My computer was sick for a while, but now I have it back and it is doing okay. So, no more excuses for me. I'm still doing pretty well with the exercising and getting the kids to bed, BUT I've pretty much been pathetic with the water drinking and eating six fruits and veggies a day. I'm in the grey area when it comes to salad eating, reading scriptures and ten second hugs for my kiddos. And of course I can never seem to get up by 6:30, maybe it's biologically impossible for me....big sigh! Doing something silly every day..well I tickle the kids and joke a little, but I rarely get out of my comfort zone and really play with them, that's what I want to do and I haven't done the fifteen minutes of laundry thing much either, I also rarely ponder on a scripture mulitple times a day or go to bed by 11:00, it's usually between 11:30 and 12:00. BUT I did go to the temple twice last week...yeah me. So, this week is a pick yourself up, visualize and pray you do better week. Never, never, never give up...right??


  1. Way to go on going to the temple twice this week. That should count for all your goals combined so cut yourself some slack. Love you!

  2. Wow Cind, going to the temple twice is what a lot of people even try to do in a year! Seriously-great job!!! I like your graphics :)

  3. Love that post Cindy!
    What I have seen you do lately is look gorgeous, be more consistant with the kids and be willing to give your heart and hands to Grandma Tew in her kitchen. Way to Go!
    You are also very kind and supportive in your comments... oh, and you have also committed to getting spiritual direction with serious questions. I'm poud of you.

  4. I do like your graphics. You are awesome Cindy - and that's right - NEVER GIVE UP! We're working on making these goals part of our routines, part of our lives, where we don't even need to think about them because they are so ingrained in us. The fact that you have been consistent with exercising & getting the kids to bed on time is HUGE. You are GREAT!
